
心之道 2 各位老師、同學,阿彌陀佛! 相信大家遠從千里相會於緬甸,若非使命, 無以名之。 今天開學對我們曾經努力其中的每一位顧 問,都是有無比激動的、深具意義,這個實驗班 有來自十五個國家或地區以上的種子師生,大家 的參與正標註著即將有一場靈性價值與科學專業 緊密合作的教育里程碑,時間並不太多,但是我 們的心卻密切而熱誠、莊嚴而充滿期待。 近年來,生態危機已經是地球上最殘酷的現 狀,極端氣候、物種滅絕,讓人們怵目驚心之餘, 最近聯合國發布的「關鍵十二年」的警訊,讓我 們更加驚覺到,再不能不有所行動了。 跨領域的專業研究指出,地球文明的生住異 滅,並非只有現在短短幾千年的一輪,遠在數萬 年前或者更久,可能還存在其他高度文明發展的 時期,甚至已經發展出比現在地球文明更高度的 科技水平,不論全面性的地球文明覆滅,或是區 域性、地區性文明的衰亡,都具有生態環境被破 壞的原因。覆亡的原因,都有其蛛絲馬跡的共同 點:如果人類文明破壞了生態環境的有機性,就 會失去永續的條件,造成不可逆的生態危機,最 終導致文明的衰亡與消失。 可以說,人類的先進科學技術可以載舟、也 可以覆舟,不斷進步的科技可以提高人類農業、 工業等生產量,以及生活上的便利性,但沒有考 慮生態永續循環,當自然資源耗盡、留下滿目瘡 痍的自然後遺症,戰爭、飢荒、疾疫等等,往往 讓文明毀於一旦。 然而,這些現象背後隱藏的人心五毒 -- 貪、 2019 仰光冬季班 心道法師的開學囑咐 文 / 創辦人 心道法師 In recent years, the ecosystem crisis on Earth has reached its most severe level. The frequent extreme weathers and the accelerating rate of species extinction are all too frightening, and the "critical 12 years" warning issued by the United Nations is a wakening call, telling people it's time to take actions. All the sufferings come from the five afflictions of human: greed, anger, ignorance, arrogance, and doubt. And they're also what causes the eco-crisis. Anger brings confrontation, hatred and war, which leads to the nuclear race and terrorism. Greed brings aggression and competition, which leads to capitalism and consumerism. All of this is a devastating threat to the resources on Earth and a destructive force to the ecosystem. Ecosystem is rooted in spirituality, and lives are the extension of species memories. Spirits connect all lives on Earth in one great community of life. When all lives are one, we'll all live in harmony and our existence will be beneficial to one another. When the spirits are corrupted, greed, anger and ignorance would gradually destroy everything our existence relies on, and lead to the break of species memory and the failure of ecosystem. Hope everyone can join the movement of "Global Ecological Ethics" to help promote and deepen the effects of the eco-awareness education. Let's join efforts to rejuvenate our Mother Earth and take the planet to an even more advanced civilization. A Loving Ear th and Loving Peace message from Venerable Dharma Master Hsin Tao