
5 2016 世界宗教新春和平祈福會祈禱文全文 絢麗的虹彩綻放於陰霾的雨後,覺醒的生命成就於苦難的試煉。 走過黑暗,才能迎來光明;喧囂過後,才能體會寧靜。 此刻,讓我們身心一如,至誠祈願: 願生命― 都能放下執念和貪欲,體會簡樸自在的美好,享受安詳喜樂 願族群― 都能學會包容和尊重,遠離戰火衝突的苦難,走向寧靜祥和 願社會― 都能充盈慈愛和關懷,擺脫現實功利的束縛,共創美好良善 願世界― 都能蘊化純淨和自然,超越差異對立的造作,成就多元共榮 願當下― 都能回歸靈性和自心,觀照清淨無染的本來,圓滿覺性光明 生命因愛而完整,因付出而偉大,讓我們連結愛與和平的願力, 凝聚成天地間最聖潔無染的能量,遍滿一切處,讓生命和諧、世界和平、地球平安。 Prayer Just like a colorful rainbow rises from the passing of the darkest clouds, an enlightened life is born out of the trials of suffering. Light Shines forth from the depth of darkness, and stillness in perceived in the midst of clamor. Dear friends, let us all pray together with one heart : May all living beings let go of their attachments and greed. May they all come to experience the beauty of a simple life free from oppression. May all beings be happy. May all groups and races learn to embrace and respect each other. May they be kept safe from raging wars and conflicts, may they dwell in peace. May ever society be grounded in love and care, free from the fetters of vanity, and greed. May they all strive after the common good. May the peoples of the world overcome all dualistic opposition. May they all flourish together in diversity, in beauty and simplicity. May we all at every moment return to our true spiritual home, the true heart. May we all experience the shining and pure light of our original nature and live an enlightened life. Life is perfected and made great in love and service of others. Let us all unite our prayers for love and peace, so that their power reaches all the ends of the earth, bring harmony to all, healing to the glove and peace to the world. 各宗教的祈禱文及精彩照片,請見世界宗教博物館官網訊息。 主辦單位心道法師致歡迎詞 開場曲─祈福 文化櫥窗