
Each Chinese New Year, our organization invites representatives from various religions to come together for the Spring Prayer Ceremony and give a blessing to all living beings. For more than ten years now, we have been promoting the idea of multicultural unity and interdependence. We want people everywhere to learn to cherish one other, so that all of humanity can interact with sincere love and a pure heart. We on Earth are one big family. We must not engender conflict for our own gain or for the sake of ethnic or religious difference. We must unite as one heart and do our utmost to create peace on Earth through hard work and dedication. As spring gives way to summer, a rare opportunity has arisen—a first in Taiwan, and even in Asia. With the support of the president of Haiti, the Museum of World Religions will be holding an exhibition in Taiwan on Haiti Voodoo culture. Haiti and Taiwan lie a world apart both in terms of geographical distance and cultural difference, but in 2010 our common belief in the values of multiculturalism and tolerance, benevolence and compassion, brought us together. Today, the seeds of this alliance have grown tall and are producing real fruit by enabling the Museum of World Religions to put on an exhibition where Taiwanese people can learn about Haiti and Haitian culture. Mutual understanding enables us to respect each other’s culture, and both Voodoo and Buddhism give blessings to all living beings and teach us to use love to overcome fear and mistrust and to replace enmity. As long as we strive to maintain an attitude of humility and respect, religion can be a force for good in the world, whether in spring prayer ceremonies, religion-themed exhibitions or other forms of dialogue. This has been the constant task of the Museum of World Religions since the day of its inception. Today, our new museum director, Chen Kuo-Ning, is on the verge of taking up her duties, and I am sure that she is the best person to carry out this mission of using love to overcome alienation and compassion to bridge the divide between religions and cultures, to bring about a sincere friendship that stretches across the world. Now, as we bid farewell to winter, nature is stirring and the God of Spring brings good tidings. In March this year, Professor Chen Kuo-Ning, currently vice president of the Chinese Association of Museums, will officially take office as the new director of the Museum of World Religions. Under Professor Chen’s leadership, the museum will enter a completely new phase, and we’re really very excited about the prospect. Professor Chen has long devoted herself to the museum work, both as an educator and as a museum professional. In museology she established herself internationally at an early date, and in recent years has worked on cross-strait museum cultural exchange. Her breadth of vision and her penetrating insight have added to her reputation. In fact, Professor Chen has been closely involved with the Museum of World Religions ever since its inception twenty years ago, offering advice on how to set up the museum and how to build collections. Her enthusiasm and support have been unflagging; her guidance and assistance, invaluable. And so, today, when Professor Chen should, by rights, finally be able to relax and enjoy some leisure time, instead she is once again preparing to rededicate herself to the museum work she loves so much. We are overwhelmed with gratitude, and we can only thank her from the bottom of our hearts. We are looking forward to the museum’s coming transformation as we pass this wonderful new milestone and embrace greater cultural diversity. Embodying the Era of Multicultural Unity and Interdependence Welcome to Chen Kuo-Ning, our new director 4 5 執行長的話 AWord From the CEO 我們輕揮衣袖告別隆冬, 2015 年的大自然 才剛甦醒,便使春神捎來了一樁喜訊──中華 民國博物館學會副理事長陳國寧教授於 3 月份 開始,正式擔任世界宗教博物館的新任館長。 在我們引頸期盼之下,新館長的到任更是揭示 著宗博館即將邁入全新的局面,何等令人雀躍 不已! 陳館長國寧女士長年致力於博物館學的教 育與經營工作,在產官學間,早已是享譽國際 的專業學者,近年來更常關注兩岸博物館文化 交流。她所具備宏觀的視野與真知灼見的目 光,更為人所譽。事實上,陳館長與宗博館之 間的聯繫與淵源,於 20 年前博物館籌備處的階 段,彼此便有了密切的互動,不論是整體籌備 建言或典藏策展諮詢,皆本著對博物館的熱 忱,長期給我們這些後生晚輩莫大的指導與協 助。於此今日,本應逍遙於陶淵明式田園生活 的國寧老師,卻願意陪伴我們再次投身他終身 熱愛的博物館工作,受寵若驚之餘,感恩之情 更是滿溢於心。期待未來宗博館的蛻變,帶以 粹煉過的多元文化思維,進入新穎且美好的里 程碑。 創辦人的話 AWord From the Founder 每年農曆春節後,我們總會邀約各宗教的 好友,一同來為眾生祈福。十幾年來,為了讓 人類彼此能有純淨的心、真誠的愛,我們一直 推動「多元共生、相依相存」理念,希望眾生 能夠互相珍愛。 在地球這個大家庭裡,我們不應為了利益 產生衝突、為了種族不同而衝突、為了宗教不 同而衝突,應該團結一心為地球的平安做更多 的奉獻與服務。 春夏之際,難得的緣份,海地總統全力支 持宗博的海地巫毒文化展,讓它得以在台灣首 展,在亞洲亦屬罕見。多元與包容,善心與慈 悲的共識,讓海地與台灣在 2010 年結了緣份, 雖然彼此差距這麼遠,今天因緣種籽發芽了, 並在宗博館呈現具體果實,讓台灣人可以進一 步認識彼此、了解差異。兩地文化上,因為了 解,進而尊重並且包容,無論是巫毒教或是佛 教,都在為一切眾生祈福,教導我們用愛去打 破各種的隔閡,用愛去轉換對立性。 無論春祈會、宗博特展或不同形式,只要 我們能夠以主動、謙卑、尊重的態度持續展開 對話,宗教就能發揮奉獻與服務地球的能量。 這份工作,我們從籌建宗博到現在沒有間斷 過。現在,陳國寧館長即將到任,我相信陳館 長一定能夠貫徹這樣的使命,用這樣的愛來跨 越隔閡,也能用這份愛心來灌溉跨宗教、跨領 域的每一份真誠友誼。 多元共生 相依相存 歡迎 陳國寧 教授 出任宗博館館長 體現 的時代 ◎了意法師