
18 創辦人的話 轉換沉澱 深體慈悲 AWord From the Founder 甲 午年進入年尾了,全球各地都有一種隱 顯浮動的不安,這是一個大轉換的年, 我們每個人都要轉換反省,才能找到安定和諧 共生的力量。我們總本山僧團也在今年做了封 山教育的沉澱,我也回到宜蘭塚間再度閉關, 現在在緬甸臘戌閉關,把弄曼中心重新啟動起 來,這真是大學習的時間。 秋天的宗博依然多采,繼緬甸特展結束, 即將在11月份全球首度展出「重彩流金六百年 ―壁畫 故事 法海寺」特展,由宗博館與北京 首都博物館合作。這個展不同以往,費盡巧 思,因為要展示的是壁畫,這是一批皇家壁 畫,也是曾經讓徐悲鴻懸念在心的偉大文化。 台灣將有機會看到這些撼動人心的宗教藝術, 其中最為傳神的水月觀音,是深植在華人心中 最代表性的菩薩形象,也是人間所能想像最撫 慰苦難的慈容,我們藉著觀賞這些古人的極致 創作,觀想那一個世代的風華,讓我們也得到 一份宗教上的照拂。 此外,每年的10月底11月初是印度教的光 明節,點燈祈福的方式在世界各地都有類似的 傳統,燈代表著光明與智慧,世界各地的佛教 徒也有為來年點太歲燈、光明燈的習慣,祈願 在無常的世界可以轉換衝突的貪嗔癡種子,令 一切生命體解慈悲與智慧的重要,創造共生共 存、和諧共榮的世界。 Settling the mind—Experiencing compassion A s 2014 comes to an end, we see all manner of tribulation nebulously appearing throughout the world. Yet, if we practice introspection and bring about inner transformation, then this time of momentous change will become an opportunity for the realization of harmonious coexistence. This year we limited access to Ling Jiou Mountain for a period of intensive training, and I returned to the cemetery in Yilan to undertake another retreat. At present I’m in Lashio in Northern Myanmar, where I’m undertaking a retreat and also overseeing the revitalization of the Naung Moon Farm Project. So this really is a time of much learning. Autumn is sure to be another brilliant season at the MWR. The special exhibition on Myanmar will be followed up in early November with a special exhibition titled “600 Years of Gold and Pigment : The Legend of Fahai Temple Mural” Held in collaboration with Beijing’s Capital Museum, this is the first time these royal wall paintings display publically to the world. It’s also worth noting that these are the same frescoes that had a strong influence on the work of the renowned twentieth- century painter Xu Beihong. Amongst this collection of religious art, especially noteworthy is a vivid portrayal of Water-moon Guanyin, an image which in Chinese culture has come to be the quintessential representation of the bodhisattva of compassion. These superb works of art not only display the extraordinary skill of the masters of old, but also impart a deep sense of religious inspiration. Fall is also the season of Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights. Light represents illumination and wisdom, and lighting lamps as a way of praying for blessings is a custom followed throughout the world. In Buddhism lamps are lit at the end of the year to pray for the ending of conflict, as well as the conquest of greed, hatred, and delusion. It’s also a way of expressing the hope that all sentient beings will come to be imbued with wisdom and compassion, such that peace and prosperity will fill the world.