
18 創辦人的話 轉換之際 莫失初衷 AWord From the Founder 今 年的大環境有很多轉換的契機,大轉換時會有 大格局,大轉換都要從觀念開始。就像二十多 年前,有了蓋宗博館的想法,當時社會環境還難以想 到,我因為篤定與堅持才有了這一個平台,這個志業 的源頭還是跟禪有關,我們在宗博的入口處放了一句 四祖道信禪偈「百千法門、同歸方寸」,提醒自己做 這份志業,是為了呈現佛陀的證悟,也就是真理的宇 宙觀與生命教育。 靈鷲山今年起封山修持做扎根教育,以延續宗博 館的理念。我是在 1998 年左右體悟出佛陀的證悟歷程 「四期教育」,那時,宗博館籌備緊鑼密鼓,我覺得 宗博館要延伸成教育平台,才會讓這樣生命大格局的 觀念被社會連結,打開人心,認識生命的無盡寬廣。 這個「四期教育」的體會,從阿含期、般若期、 法華期,到華嚴期,源自佛陀內心的證悟,也是每一 個生命轉凡成聖必經的歷程,這一路藍圖:從信解聖 賢的經驗,透過自己的實踐,達到圓滿,就是多元共 生、差異共存的生命大學習。 生命是相依相存的,有愛才能延續,真心和諧才 會呈現共生的世界全景,為眾生找到有一條生命的 「活路」!如果內心充滿貪嗔癡,就會製造矛盾衝突 的世界。宗博館面對時代轉換,每一位支持者、認同 者都要精進,要回歸原點、提升觀照,真誠務實去貫 徹這一份「尊重每一個信仰、包容每一個族群、博愛 每一個生命」的學習,才是不罔初衷。 Keeping True to Our Original Motivation during Times of Change T his year will bring much change. Much change can form great opportunity, yet how we face changing circumstances depends on how we view them. Looking back to 20 years ago, when we first came up with the idea of establishing the MWR, many people had difficulty understanding what we were intending to do. Yet, we persevered in our plan, and that's how the MWR came into being. Because the Chan school of Buddhism has had a major influence on this undertaking, at the entrance to the MWR we have placed a couplet attributed to Daoxin, the Fourth Patriarch: 百千法門, 同歸方寸 (The 100,000 Dharma doors all return to the heart). This is a way of reminding us that our guiding vision centers on manifesting in the contemporary world the wisdom expressed in the enlightenment of the Buddha. This year, as an extension of the same principles on which we established the MWR, we have limited access to Ling Jiou Mountain so we can concentrate more on our internal education plan. Around 1998, I initiated a four-stage training program in accordance with the process by which the Buddha attained enlightenment. At that time we were busy preparing our plans for the MWR, and felt that the museum should also serve as an educational platform, so as to make our vision more accessible to society and help people cultivate a greater appreciation for life. This four-stage training program which replicates the Buddha's own path to enlightenment consists of the Agama stage; the Prajna stage; Dharmapundarika stage; and the Avatamsaka stage. Practicing accordingly is the path to sainthood. It starts with faith and understanding with respect to the teachings of the sages, proceeds to putting them into practice, and culminates in enlightenment. This is the highest kind of learning about life, since it leads to peaceful coexistence of multiple diversities, and brings insight into the true nature of oneself and the world. All life is interdependent. This is something which can only be perceived by a mind imbued with integrity, harmony, and loving kindness. This is the mind which brings the highest benefit to all sentient beings. Conversely, the mind tainted with greed, hatred, and delusion is the source of all conflict in the world. During this time of change we all need to make a concerted effort to introspect while remaining true to our original aspirations. This is how to bring to fruition our guiding principles of mutual respect, sincere toleration, and universal love. ◎心道法師