
18 創辦人的話 道法海涵、禪示天地 輝映周年慶 AWord From the Founder 今 年的宗博很有東方味。五、六月是 《道法海涵》,我們尊貴的老朋友李 豐楙教授帶來豐富的道教文物收藏,八月是 《禪示天地》展覽;禪,是我的生命世界, 也是宗博立館的蘊含,這些規劃是為了慶祝 宗博成立十二年,更為了輝映靈鷲山開山 三十周年的精神。 多元文化交融的時代,我們的身心常容 易迷失在各種聲光資訊裡,生活有很多的負 面壓力無從排遣,這個時候,也許透過反芻 自己的文化涵養,反省自己身心世界的質 量,得到一些新的靈感啟示,為人生注入活 力。 文化展現出一個民族的精神品味,也能 表現其人生典範。我們的世代,長久以傳統 儒、釋、道文化為生活的養分,形成一套從 心到身、從裡到外、從個人到世界的生命哲 學觀,也是一套完整的幸福人生關係指南, 在現今全球亂象紛擾、價值觀混淆的情況 下,逐漸凸顯其至高至善的靈性價值,這份 文化力讓社會散發安定和平的光芒,讓人對 天地萬物更知恩惜福,對世間關係更有情有 義,也是國際人對台灣高度評價的根本原 因。 「世界宗教博物館」這些特展正展現東 方極致的軟實力。這些意味深長的展覽讓我 們台灣人重新品味自己的文化特色,肯定自 己的可貴傳統。希望大家利用休閒時間,來 宗博品味這綻放智慧花朵的生命花園裡無盡 的風光與芬芳。 Celebrating the Wisdom of the East T his year the MWR has a very Eastern flavor. In May and June we held the All-embracing Dao, an exhibition featuring a large number of Daoist items presented to the Museum by our old friend Li Fengmao. In August we are holding an exhibition on the Chan school of Buddhism, one of the guiding inspirations in the founding of the MWR. This is how we are marking the Museum's 12th anniversary, as well as the 30th anniversary of Ling Jiou Mountain. In this age of cultural diversity and exchange, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information available to us. This is why at times we need to return to our roots as a way of gaining inspiration and invigoration. Culture gives expression to the spirit of a people. For many centuries now Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism have been the animating forces behind Chinese culture, together forming a thorough guide to living a happy life. The spiritual values at the core of these three great traditions are just what is so sorely missing in this age of conflict and ethical confusion. These are the values which have the power to bring peace and prosperity to society, by instilling in us a sense of gratitude for everything we have and engendering a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Indeed, these are the very things that make Taiwan a great place to live. These special exhibitions can be seen as an expression of the formidable soft power of the East. At the same time, they give everyone here in Taiwan a chance to reconnect with our native culture and traditions. I hope everybody will be able to visit the MWR this summer and imbibe the mesmerizing beauty and profound wisdom of the religious art on display. ◎心道法師