
18 創辦人的話 創辦人 的話 共振共鳴 發揮宗教大愛 AWord From the Founder 每 年宗博館的春祈會是一個神聖時刻,讓我 們像一家人齊聚一心、一起反省、一起關 懷全世界的福祉。過去一年來,很多預言揣 測,讓我們經歷許多的不平安,如全球金融、 自然災害的現象,幾年來都無法解決,許多人 為造成的事件,都顯示文明的脆弱,伴隨的是 冰山一角、更大的人文危機,世界許多地區爆 發內戰和衝突,貪嗔癡像病毒一樣到處蔓延, 無常不安盤據在我們生活四周,我們無法找到 生命的安全感。 每年此刻,由我們宗教界來帶動社會的反 省,格外深刻有意義,我感到無比的珍惜。 「春祈會」的朋友大部分都是宗博館的創館元 老,我們都走過一段難得的過程,所以我們有 共同的勇氣與共識,讓我們通過最虔誠神聖的 祈禱,來祝福社會國家、全世界平安和諧,經 濟的發展健康與循環。 在這個浩瀚的時空裏,我們能夠共享著宇 宙的這份資源與能量,在這種神性佛性的一個 滋養裡,使我們人類有更多福氣跟平安。讓正 信的宗教能夠得到信賴跟擁護,承擔起末世苦 難的救贖,我們祝福大家「心和平,世界就和 平」,讓這個「愛和平、愛地球」的連結與擴 散,轉換一切負面成為祥和寧靜,落實「地球 一家」的實踐。我們祈禱與祝福,能夠有美好 的效應與效果。 Resonating with the Great Love of Religion T he Spring Prayer Ceremony held every year at the Museum of World Religions is an opportunity to come together as one big family, encounter the sacred, introspect, and pray for peace and happiness in the world. During the past year lots of people were made anxious by a number of predictions about forthcoming disasters, both natural and manmade, highlighting the fragile and precarious nature of human civilization. Add to this all the various types of armed conflict and other blatant manifestations of greed, hatred, and delusion, and it's no wonder that anxiety is so widespread these days. Yet, I find it highly meaningful and inspiring that we come together like this every year as representatives of our respective faiths, all for the sake of improving society. Most of you here today have been involved with the MWR for many years already, during which time we have come to forge a common vision. Now let us make a devout prayer for happiness and prosperity in the nation, and peace and well-being in the world. In this precious opportunity we have to come together, let us imbibe the power of goodness present throughout the universe, the enlightened nature existent in all beings, the ultimate source of peace and happiness in the world. May all genuine religions provide guidance and spiritual sustenance during these troubled times. Let us pray for peace in our hearts and peace in the world. Let our love for peace and love for the Earth join together and grow, transforming all negativity into auspiciousness, and joining all beings into one big family. May our prayers and blessings become a tangible force of goodness in the world. ◎心道法師