
18 創辦人的話 創辦人 的話 不忘初衷 智慧無礙 AWord From the Founder 慶 祝館慶意義何在?就是不忘初衷。我們的初 衷是推動愛與和平、共創地球一家,為了讓 各宗教有更開放包容的互動平台,一同來消弭世 界的苦難,造福世界的平安,我們用宗博來做最 好的合作。 我們也不忘這麼多年走過無數辛酸苦辣的日 子。最初很艱難,開館前很多人勸我「蓋好就捐 出去,會很辛苦!」但我就一直支持著、不敢放 手,還是秉持這份公平、公正、公義的熱誠,我 想既然我們可以蓋出這樣的博物館,就有責任讓 品質保持下去,不要說商業化,做生意到最後連 創館的意義都不見了。還好宗博榮董也都堅持保 護這份品質,最近還成立「尊勝會」,大家都在 護持。 世界的難題是缺乏愛,最近我到義大利阿西 西島開會,遇到一位伊斯蘭教教長!他說「我們 伊朗跟以色列之間關係很恐怖」,他問到底佛教 怎麼看待?我說有意義的生命活一天就夠了,沒 有意義的生命活一輩子也沒什麼用處。我們宗教 界的責任就是讓每個人都能找到生命的來去,找 到生命的意義活下去,我想這也是宗博生命教育 的一個走向。 非常感恩各宗教老友多年來的支持與見證, 所以我們每年館慶都邀請大家回來,看看是不是 有走偏、走對了呢?讓我們支持這一份尊重、包 容、博愛的理念落實成人間的關係網絡,讓宗博 館可以變成為下一代謀幸福的生命學堂。 Remembering the Original Intention— Wisdom Springs Forth W hy do we celebrate the anniversary of the MWR? So that we don't forget our original intention—to promote love and peace, and to unite the world into one big family. For the MWR was started to provide a platform for promoting interreligious dialogue and harmony; this is how we are manifesting our vision of a world free of tribulation and discord. We also don't want to forget the many hardships we've encountered over all these years. The beginning was especially difficult, and lots of people tried to dissuade me from relinquishing control of the MWR after it was completed. However, I held fast to this ideal of completing the project for the sake of the common good. And now that it's finished, we have the responsibility to make sure that the Museum continues to adhere to high standards of quality. If the MWR were to become just another commercialized venture, then our original intention would be lost. Fortunately, the Museum's honorary board of trustees serves to ensure that quality standards are maintained. Also, with support from all quarters, the MWR Honor Committee has recently been set up. What's lacking in the world is love. I recently attended a meeting in Italy where I met a Muslim imam. He said that the relationship between Iran and Israel is highly strained, and asked about the Buddhist view of such a situation. I replied that from the Buddhist point of view, when your life has a sense of purpose, then it's enough to live just one more day; but if you lack a sense of purpose, then an entire lifetime doesn't get you anywhere. Religion helps you find meaning and purpose in life, and this is what the life education program at the MWR is all about. Many thanks to all our old friends of various religions for your kind support over the years. We invite you to come back for the MWR's anniversary celebration every year so that you can have a look and see whether we are upholding our original intention, at the same time encouraging us to hold fast to our ideals of respect, toleration, and love—the very basis of wholesome human relationships. This is how the MWR will become a source of learning and joy for the next generation. ◎心道法師