
18 創辦人的話 創辦人 的話 追隨聖者腳步呈現善業世界 AWord From the Founder 每 一位眾生,原本都有圓滿的靈性生命,但是 一念不覺,會讓人迷失方向,生起煩惱的 「結」,「結」鉤出愈來愈多的業。死都不放的 結,千年百年都放不下,然後生起「苦」,環扣 成生死輪迴,使得地球整體不平安,各種天災人 禍也因此產生。 每個眾生,都從因果種子中呈現「生、老、 病、死」種種的苦,這些八識田種子都是記憶 體,記憶體裡有好有壞,也有不好不壞。人的覺 性會收藏這些記憶體,讓它一再重生,產生彼此 生命的結。 《過去七佛通戒偈》說:「諸惡莫作,眾善 奉行,自淨其意,是諸佛教」。「諸惡莫作,眾 善奉行」就是以「五戒十善」來為「身、口、意 三業」結界。「自淨其意」就是回到每個人的心 源自性,讓無盡的種子能夠轉化成善業善念, 《華嚴經》說:「妙法清淨意,悉滿一切願。」 意清淨了,則願力就能成就,這即是「事事無 礙」的境界。而世界宗教博物館的創建精神,正 是相信「心的種子和諧了,世界宗教的種子也和 諧了」。 去年世界宗教博物館開館十週年,相信大家 都見證到它在國際社會的成就。單樞機主教國璽 於日前辭世,讓我回憶起彼此在宗博所建立的多 年友誼,一同對「愛」與「和平」教育的共識努 力,這位聖者對人類付出「愛與寬容」的精神, 是值得大家追隨,共同呈現善業的世界。 Transforming the World by Walking in the Footsteps of the Saints A ll sentient beings are endowed with a spiritual nature of original purity. Yet, due to ignorance, we lose our way and give rise to all sorts of afflicted mental states which bind us to the endless cycle of birth and death. Such is the source of this great mass of suffering, all the calamities we see in the world. The karmic seeds planted in the mind give rise to the endless suffering of birth, aging, illness, and death. Functioning as a kind of memory, these seeds are either wholesome, unwholesome, or neutral. Once they are stored up in the mind, when the conditions are suitable, these seeds sprout and determine the circumstances in which we find ourselves. In the “Verse of the Shared Morality of the Seven Buddhas” are found the famous lines “Refrain from doing evil; do all that is good; purify your mind. This is the teaching of all the buddhas.” “Refrain from doing evil; do all that is good” means rectifying oneself in body, speech, and mind by upholding the five precepts and the ten wholesome courses of action. “Purify your mind” means returning to the original nature of the mind and transforming the numberless seeds stored therein into the basis for wholesome thought and action. As we find in the Avatamsaka Sutra, “With thoughts purified in the wonderful Dharma, all vows come to fulfillment.” This is what is meant by “the nonobstruction among individual phenomena.” In fact, the MWR was founded on the principle that “When the mind is in a state of harmony, the various religions in the world will also be in harmony.” Last year the MWR celebrated its tenth anniversary, an event which bore witness to the museum’s many significant achievements on the world stage. When Cardinal Shan passed away recently I reflected on our friendship and his involvement with the MWR over many years, as well as our joint efforts to make peace and love an integral part of modern education. As someone who lived by the principles of love and patient forbearance, following the saintly example set by Cardinal Shan would go a long way to transforming the world.