
4 館長的話 AWord From the Director 館長 的話 善心.善書.善緣 為 慶祝世界宗教博物館十一周年館慶,呈現 「愛與和平」的善業,特別從典藏約一千 多冊珍貴的民間善書寶卷中,精選歷久彌新、通 俗易懂的經典之作,舉辦「說教有理-善書寶卷 典藏特展」為本年度的大展,雖屢獲媒體報導讚 譽有佳,可惜「叫好不叫座」,迄今來館參觀本 特展的善人,尚未達千人之數。 勸人為善是所有正信宗教的共通信念,無 不宣講善、戒律、道德和倫理的規範,以增智 慧、減疑惑的善願。例如:伊斯蘭教的《古蘭 經》啟示:「行善者將受善報,且有餘慶」是穆 斯林必須遵循的道德規範 ;基督宗教則對人性 的惡訓示和懺悔,更提供了人性絕對善的信仰; 佛教更一再地教誡信徒弟子要親近善知識:信、 慚、愧、無貪、無瞋、無癡、精進、輕安、不放 逸、行捨、不害,以圓滿智慧、達到究竟的善。 宗博館創辦人心道法師在今年水陸空大法 會開示:「《七佛通戒偈》說:『諸惡莫作,眾 善奉行,自淨其意,是諸佛教。』『諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行』就是以五戒十善來為我們的身、口、 意三業結界。『自淨其意』就是回到我們的心源 自性,讓我們無盡的種子能夠轉化成善業。」 善書寶卷典藏特展以佛家「種善因得善 果,造惡業定有惡報」的概念為基礎,具體而微 的呈現心道法師的願力,希望地球平安、社會和 諧,相信這也是全球佛子應共同努力與奉獻的願 力。竭誠歡迎各位菩薩大德來館參觀善書特展, 圓滿一切生命福祉的善心。 AGood Heart · Good Books · Good Affinities F or celebrating the 11th anniversary of the Museum of World Religions, and putting the ideals of love and peace in action, one of the major exhibits at the MWR this year has been Preaching Virtue—An Exhibition of Precious Manuscripts. Consisting of carefully selected works from the museum’s thousand-strong collection of “virtue books,” the exhibition has received a good deal of positive media coverage, although attendance has yet to pass the one thousand mark. All religions emphasize virtue, morality, and ethical precepts as a way of nurturing wisdom and dispelling doubt. In the Koran, for example, it’s stated that happiness comes to those who practice goodness, an idea accepted as an ethical norm in Islam. Christianity teaches the importance of repentance as a way of cultivating goodness. In Buddhism the emphasis is on following a teacher adept at helping others cultivate wisdom by practicing such virtues as repentance, diligence, tranquility, equanimity, and non-harming. During this year’s Water-Earth Repentance Ceremony Master Hsin Tao stated: “In the “Verse of the Shared Morality of the Seven Buddhas” are found the famous lines “Refrain from doing evil; do all that is good; purify your mind. This is the teaching of all the buddhas.” “Refrain from doing evil; do all that is good” means rectifying oneself in body, speech, and mind by upholding the five precepts and the ten wholesome courses of action. “Purify your mind” means returning to the original nature of the mind and transforming the numberless seeds stored therein into the basis for wholesome thought and action.” The central message of the Preaching Virtue exhibition is that “Good deeds bring good results; evil deeds bring evil results.” This aphorism gives pithy expression to the aspiration of Master Hsin Tao and Buddhists the world over to bring harmony to society and peace to the world. I cordially invite all sincere seekers of virtue and wisdom to attend this inspiring exhibition on the theme of how to cultivate a good heart.