
18 創辦人的話 創辦人 的話 春祈會呈現感恩 AWord From the Founder 世 界宗教博物每年都舉辦「春祈會」,是各 宗教在新春時節的重要聚會,也是最美好 的呈現與感恩。我們舉辦宗博祈福會已經有四 年,這樣的新春祈福本來就應該由各宗教大家 來輪流主辦,才更有意義,不只是我心道法師 而已。據此讓宗博館這個平台可以發揮更多能 量,將各宗教之間的友誼連結,轉化為更實際 的行動,讓不同宗教間展現的尊重、包容、博 愛精神,引導每一個有情眾生,成為人類愛心 的凝聚點。 現今地球充滿著危機和危難,像是氣候異 常引發的各種災變,或是太陽黑子風暴爆發可 能招致的全球性大災難,都會對人類造成難以 承受的浩劫。這些災劫危機,除了需要各國政 府和人民共同努力化解外,我們宗教團體也扮 演著相當重要的角色。 宗教能夠撫慰人心、安撫苦難的靈魂;更 重要的是,不少災難的發生都與人類心靈狀態 有著密不可分的關係。因此,藉著祈禱、祝 福、發願等等宗教儀式和修行的實踐,把寧靜 和諧的靈性能量帶給所有的生命,從而化解各 種劫難、守護世界,讓地球平安無災。 Presenting the appreciation by “ Spring Prayer Service " “ S pring Prayer Service " is held by World Religion Expo every year and it has become an important occasion for all religious beliefs in Spring season. It aims to present the best and deepest appreciation from each religious belief to everyone. We have organized prayer service at World Religion Expo for 4 years and the expo has made this even more meaningful by asking each school of religion take turns of hosting a prayer service, this is not just for specific individual only. This is to utilize the powerful platform provided by World Religion Expo while building a connection across different religious beliefs through friendship in addition to transform the connection into more actionable practices, to guide every individual soul by the respect, forgiveness and indiscriminative love of each religion so as to become the converging point of kindness for mankind. Now the world is challenged by dangers and disasters everywhere, such as the various disasters caused by abnormal weather conditions or the possible global scale catastrophe events triggered by sunspots, they would all likely bring unprecedented extent of calamity to mankind. These adversities not only require the efforts from all nations and people, religious groups such as ourselves also play a crucial role. Religion can bring comfort to soothe emotion, console suffering spirits; more importantly, many occurrences of disasters are closely related to the state of minds. Therefore, through various forms of prayers and religious practices, it is our hope to bring a sense of harmony and spiritual energy to all lives and then eventually resolve disasters, protect the world and relieve the world from misfortunes.