
18 創辦人的話 創辦人 的話 讓宗博成為和平的互動點 AWord From the Founder 世 界宗教博物館如何能夠為社會做出更好的 貢獻?這是我們要一同去思索和努力的方 向。到目前為止,宗博的獨特性在於理念如何 呈現為實體,這是絕無僅有的經驗,全球許多 人想複製,卻還做不起來,實在是因為意識型 態的差異,造成的隔閡太大了,但是台灣卻得 天獨厚有這樣的條件,把這樣象徵著愛與和平 的博物館,在那樣的時空環境下展現出來,這 可說是當代的珍品。 我們也努力將和平的種子,從博物館的經 驗延伸為宗教大學,我們一直連結更多的學 校,散播和平的種子,為的是更緊密的和人產 生互動,不管是國內或是國外,都要有這樣的 社會互動點,才好邀請各個宗教一同加入,讓 彼此的真誠交融,串連實力,慢慢累積對社會 的和平願景。 許多贊助博物館的朋友,都是我們一個一 個去邀約來的,這是很感人的過程。他們同時 是我們的認同者,也是博物館衷心的推動者, 這樣的一座博物館就像是我們的小孩一樣,我 們共同誕生了她、撫育著她,而今更希望見到 她成長茁壯,走出自己的路。我深信,時代需 要她展現出說服力,人心需要她做靈性啟蒙, 也感謝館員及義工們奉獻其中的心血,陪伴著 宗博一同成長,讓宗博的營運更加成熟。 Promoting Peace through Interaction H ow can the MWR make an even greater contribution to society? This is something we need to thoroughly consider and work towards. The key challenge of the MWR has always been how to translate ideals into reality. This has resulted in the creation of a unique institution which many would like to replicate, but so far have been unable to do so. This is mainly due to a big difference in people's attitudes and ways of doing things. Actually, the unique conditions existing in Taiwan are what has made it possible to establish such a rare institution — an embodiment of love and peace. Having established the MWR, we can continue sowing the seeds of peace in an ever- widening field by setting up a university of religion and other schools. This is a way of facilitating closer interaction with people from Taiwan and elsewhere. For it is through such interaction that people of different religious persuasions become inclined to work together to achieve common goals. Many of the MWR's ardent supporters have become involved through individual invitations over the years, and now strongly identify with its ideals. Establishing such a museum is rather like giving birth to and raising a child so that the child will eventually grow up and find her own course in life. I strongly believe that modern society is in sore need of the spiritual values enshrined in the MWR. It is thanks to the unstinting efforts of the staff and volunteers that the MWR has finally reached maturity.