
4 館長的話 AWord From the Director 館長 的話 20 11 年 11 月 9 日是世界宗教博物館開館 屆滿十週年的館慶,為迎接這意義非 凡的節日,本館展開一場熱鬧歡慶的系列活 動,首先以聖沙聖水祈福儀式揭開序幕,共 為台灣安定與世界和平祈福;接著是十週年 特展的剪綵,展出「智慧華嚴」、「覺有 情」、「世界宗教博物館十週年.館史展」 及「來自世界的祝福—祝賀特展」,並舉辦 三天「如何建立一座世界宗教博物館」國際 研討會議,拓展我們對「愛與和平」的共同 企盼。 回首來時路,全館館務的經營管理、規 劃發展,是由一群默默付出的館員和熱忱、 細心的志工們,在一致的博物館目標認同與 工作意識互動、合作之下,逐步達成宗博館 的專業治理。我們的館員和志工,是宗博最 有價值的資產。 面對博物館永續經營環境日漸嚴苛的未 來,宗博館應該如何治理?可以從本館館員 「自我考核」、「主管考核」、「與館長有 約」深度談話整理出的理念中,發想和延 伸: 1. 追求卓越、建立宗博的品牌與形象 鎮, 2. 永不放棄宗教與生命關懷、生命普及 教育、終身學習, 3. 深耕在地社區與本地住 民、學校,共享資源, 4. 當代宗教發展與社 會變遷、文化理解, 5. 文化研究與創新, 6. 典 藏人類有形與無形的文化遺產, 7. 增強展演 空間規劃設計與展示,文物詮釋研究, 8. 拓 展旅遊與觀光的關鍵夥伴, 9. 博物館技術、 自我提升與創造力, 10. 發展博物館專業工程 技術與媒體、資訊科技。 Managing the MWR 世界宗教博物館館員的 專業與治理 I n November 2011 the MWR celebrated its 10th anniversary with a series of memorable events, beginning with a ceremony using sacred sand and water to pray for peace in Taiwan and throughout the world. As part of the festivities a number of exhibitions were held: The Wisdom of Huayan; Enlightening Sentient Beings; The History of the MWR; and A Bounty of Bl e s s i ngs . We a l so he l d a t h r ee- day international seminar with the theme of “ how to establish a museum of world religions.” The MWR's specialized operations, management, and planning are quietly carried out by its attentive staff and enthusiastic volunteers, all in a spirit of cooperation and in accordance with the museum's founding ideals. In fact, the MWR's staff and volunteers are its greatest resource. In contemplating the future, we need to consider how the MWR might more strictly adhere to the sustainable management model. We need to take into account the ideas of everyone at the museum and apply them to a variety of tasks: seeking excellence and es t abl i shing the MWR' s brand image ; upholding the ideals of religion, life education, and lifelong education; sharing resources with schools and the local community; striving to understand the changes taking place in contemporary religion and society; engaging in cultural research and innovation; collecting items and information relating to cultural heritage; improving the design of the exhibition space and enhancing the interpretation; expanding our presence in the travel and tourism industry; and making better use of various types of specialized technology.