
4 mwr10thAnniversary 創辦人的話 AWord From the Founder 今 年,世界宗教博物館度過十年,有一個 福隆觀音文化節,由海峽對岸來了一尊 普陀山的毘廬觀音。宗博十週年是一個亮點。 我期待讓她能發光發亮,我也深深反省如何讓 她與長期護持者,或靈鷲山護法會之間再熱絡 起來?如何讓她展現順暢的生命奇蹟?所以, 我想到賣我的書法來做十週年的廣宣募款,讓 臺灣人都能知道這十年的意義不凡。我一心只 想把博物館炒熱,彰顯她的價值,靈鷲山從一 無所有時就創造了她,我想讓她人見人愛。 觀音菩薩一直都是我最親最近的親人,也 是我的偶像、我的修道世界。思及觀音,讓我 確定了一生追求的目標。從戰場到墳場,從墳 場到道場,我的大半生從緬甸到了臺灣,從籌 設世界宗教博物館的因緣,再到世界各地,一 路都被觀音菩薩照顧著、啟發著。我內心覺 得,我這一生是來替觀音打工的,盡力做點接 引的任務。 現在的時代已經大不如前,地球環境也大 為惡化了。災難劫難愈多,愈是觀音菩薩救苦 救難的時代。我們要用觀音的慈悲把地球家庭 照顧好!當眾人都像觀音,地球的平安就會呈 現。 我希望宗博能啟示觀音菩薩的救世福音, 帶給大家一帖清涼的解藥,重新回歸靈性的大 寂靜、大圓滿。 創辦人 的話 The Ten-year Universal Gate 十年普門 Th is is the MWR's tenth year, and one of the highlights is that for the Fulong Guanyin Cultural Festival a Vairocana Guanyin statue has been brought over from Putuoshan in mainland China. Reflecting on the tenth anniversary and look- ing forward to the MWR's bright future, we need to consider how to strengthen the relationship the MWR has with its long-term supporters and the LJM Dharma Protectors Society; we also need to consider how to present to people the mystery of life. One way of doing this and also presenting the extraordi- nary significance of these past ten years would be to put on sale some of my calligraphy as part of the tenth anniversary fund-raising efforts. So I'm very keen on promoting the MWR, making known its value, showing its modest beginnings, and increasing its universal appeal. All along, Guanyin has been near and dear to me, the focus of my spiritual path. Contemplating Guanyin reaffirms my goal in life. From the battlefield to the cemetery; from the cemetery to the monastery; from Myanmar to Taiwan; from establishing the MWR to traveling around the world- all the while, Guanyin has given me support and inspiration. My heart-felt conviction is that my mission in life is to assist the work of Guanyin and guide others to the best of my ability. These are times of great change, and the natural environment is deteriorating. The more extensive the calamities, the more we need to entreat Guanyin for help. We need to use the compassion of Guanyin to protect the Earth and all its inhabitants. When enough people become like Guanyin, peace will prevail throughout the world. My hope is that the MWR will continue to serve to publicize the great healing power of Guanyin-the fountainhead of spiritual peace and true happiness.