
18 創辦人的話 AWord From the Founder 世 界就像一個大家庭,因為資訊、交通的 便捷,也因為全球經濟的因素,讓我們 彼此互動增加。學習熟悉新環境是有點辛苦, 但也非常有趣。比如我做宗教交流二十幾年, 跟全世界各宗教都有互動。在交流當中做一個 謙卑的學習,依循對方宗教的儀式儀軌,用心 感受各宗教的共通語言:『愛』。例如到了基 督教的教堂,我們會跟著做彌撒,這是一個學 習,不會覺得有隔閡;我們到伊斯蘭教清真 寺,也一樣跟他們做教拜,然後在餐會的時 候,跟著一起做餐會的祈禱。 為了籌建世界宗教博物館我們去拜訪全 球各地的宗教,有一次在南非的清真寺,我們 要上去拜訪,說我們要建博物館,做和平的事 情,為人類的衝突做一個化解。他們聽完後, 就先把《可蘭經》念一遍給我們聽,雖然當時 我們不知道他們在念《可蘭經》,不過也一直 聽到結束。也許因為我們誠懇的聆聽,他們就 開始願意與我們互動。 另外,我們到俄羅斯拜訪薩滿教,也是 一起參加了他們的儀式,結果也是有很好的互 動。因為我們的目的不是要別人來信仰我們, 而是謙遜的邀請宗教共同合作。 讓人類更快樂,我想這是各宗教存在的 意義。比如擔任牧師、神父的時候,我們是為 天主服務,為基督服務;當法師、出家人的時 候,我們就是為眾生服務,也是為佛陀至善至 美的無盡藏服務。出家人動機如同神父傳播福 音一樣,替佛陀的慈悲做傳承,讓每個人找到 生命的意義和智慧,讓大家離苦得樂。 創辦人 的話 Listening is the Key 從聆聽不同宗教開始 R apid advances in communications have greatly increased our contact with different cultures and made the world like one big family. Yet, coming to terms with such a complex environment can be rather daunting, but it can also be quite i n t e r e s t i n g. Du r i n g t h e c o u r s e o f participating in interreligious dialogue for over two decades, I've learned a lot about the importance of modesty and how to experience the inner significance of ritual by using the universal language of love. For example, when I visit a Christian church and attend Mass, I don't feel awkward, because I take it as an opportunity to learn. It's the same when I attend a worship ceremony at a mosque and afterwards participate in the group prayer at a banquet. While making preparations for the MWR we visited different religious commu- nities all around the world. One time we vis- ited a mosque in South Africa, explaining that we were planning to establish a museum which would promote peace and interreli- gious harmony. After hearing our plan, the leaders of the mosque responded by reciting a number of passages from the Koran. At the time, we didn't know they were reciting from the Koran, but we listened attentively until they had finished. Looking back, it seems that it was due to our sincere listening that they were willing to interact. Likewise, while visiting with shamans in Russia we participated in their rituals, and this also helped engender positive interaction. The key point is that we were not there to convert anybody to our religion, but rather to humbly invite followers of other religions to come together in a spirit of genuine dialogue. For me, the purpose of every religion is to promote happiness. For example, ministers and priests are servants of God and Jesus Christ, while Buddhist clergy serve all sen- tient beings and the profound and inexhaust- ible storehouse of the Buddha. Just as a priest spreads the Gospel, Buddhist monastics transmit the compassion of the Buddha in order to help people everywhere discover the meaning of life and enjoy true happiness.