
4 AWord From the Director 館長的話 館長 的話 世 界宗教博物館以推動「欣賞世界宗教 藝術與文化」、推廣「全民生命教 育」與「典藏人類文化遺產」為己任,期許透 過博物館專業經營,成為瞭解世界文明、宗教 傳統及生命價值教育的平台,進而對於個人、 社區、族群產生良善美聖的涵化與影響。 近年來宗博館延續文建會「地方文化 館」政策,結合地方文化據點與社區活力,建 構脈絡相連的文化生活圈,以提升全民文化參 與、創造與分享文化資源,而獲得文建會及台 北縣政府文化局認定為「磐石行動—地方文 化館第二期計畫」重點發展的博物館,並成為 台北縣「海山文化生活圈」的核心館舍。 91至96年宗博館曾獲地方文化館第一期 計畫經常門合計342萬元;第二期97至98年補 助現代與台灣宗教建築縮影特展及教育推廣合 計160萬元;另獲得台北縣政府 博物館 家族 館舍 硬體改善—宗博館入口公共藝術裝置 81萬元。99年增加重點館舍空間及軟硬體設 備改善資本門196萬元、台灣原住民信仰文化 特展與教育推廣經費70萬元,以及海山文化 生活圈20萬元,本年度合計補助286萬元。 我們珍惜每一分來自政府的資源挹注, 更慎重地運用於彰顯地方文化特色,藉由本地 居民、學校、地方仕紳、志工與生命教育領航 員的共同參與,透過社區深耕找回民間活力, 形塑文化生活圈的文化氛圍,以達成「愛與和 平」優質生活的祥和社會。 The Mission of Museums of Local Culture 地方文化館的惠澤與使命 T he goals of the MWR include encourag- ing appreciation of religious art and cul- ture, providing community education, and collecting the cultural heritage of humanity. Our mission is to use the model of profes- sional museum management to create an edu- cational platform for increasing understand- ing of the religious and cultural traditions of the world and the wholesome values con- tained therein, a process designed to have a positive influence on individuals and society. Picking up on the Council for Cultural Affairs policy of establishing “museums of local culture,” in recent years the MWR has been working to link up local cultural attrac- tions with community vitality as a way of promoting general cultural literacy, creativity, and appreciation of local culture. The MWR has been selected as one of the key museums of the Panshi Plan, a part of the second phase of the Museums of Local Culture Project being sponsored by the Council for Cultural Affairs and the Taibei County Cultural Affairs Bureau. Moreover, the MWR has also become the featured museum of Taibei County in the Plan's Haishan Cultural Circle. The first phase of the Museum of Local Culture Project ran from 2002 to 2007, and granted the MWR a total of NT$3.42 million in funding. The second phase of the project ran from 2008 to 2009, during which time the MWR received a total of NT$1.6 million in funding for its education programs and the special exhibition Models of Contemporary Religious Architecture. During this time the MWR also received NT$810,000 from the Taibei County government for infrastructure improvements and the installation of public art at the main entrance. In 2010 the MWR has already received a total of NT$2.68 mil- lion in funding from the Project: NT$1.96 million for expansion, development, and ren- ovations; NT$700,000 for education and the special exhibition Spirit of the Ancestors; and NT$200,000 for the Haishan Cultural Circle Project. The MWR endeavors to make use of such precious government funding to pro- mote and present the uniqueness of local cul- ture. By bringing together the rich and varied skills available in the local community—civil servants, educators, and volunteers—we can promote the vitality of local culture and make a practical contribution to the development of a harmonious society based on the ideals of love and peace.