
18 創辦人的話 AWord From the Founder 我 們看看這個眾苦所集的時代,貪瞋癡 中最苦的就是思緒,一旦思緒釐清 後,不管遇到任何困難,我們都能用正面積 極健康的想法去面對,用利他的心去生活。 我們從世界宗教博物館開始,讓宗教彼 此傾聽理解,沒有衝突,讓人心和諧,讓地 球變成一個家庭,因為靈鷲山的有緣人都回 到了佛法,推動守護自己的心,做好慈悲的 事情,這是我們的方向跟目標,找回自己, 肯定自己,讓自己發光發亮,讓自己、也讓 別人從迷惑中找到回家的路。 慈悲是人與人、人與世間的價值觀,就 是愛心;有了愛心,一切都美好,沒有愛 心,再美好也是看不到,愛心就是慈悲。如 何讓愛心落實在我們生活?我們用愛心滋潤 這一切萬有,所以萬有也滋潤了我們,讓我 們得到更大的能量跟快樂。現在多少人找不 到生命的意義跟價值,不知道何去何從?而 我們很幸運知道價值跟福氣在這個心的源 頭,讓我們得到平安的,就是俱足禪與慈悲 的真心。 一年來我們做滿多慈悲的事情,可是更 希望大家要努力「坐禪」,真正的「甜心」 都在「坐禪」裡,所以大家不妨好好的尋找 這個「甜心」,禪就是「甜心」,好好的體 會一下禪,來充實我們做慈悲的努力與動 力。我們都是生命共同體,希望大家愈來愈 茁壯,讓我們為這個苦難的世界,做出慈悲 與禪的奉獻。 (摘錄自「禪與慈悲的生活—心道法 師歲末開示」) 創辦人 的話 Meditation—Discovering the Heart of Love 從禪修中發現愛的「甜心」 L ooking at all the suffering in the world today, all the greed, hatred, and delusion, we can see that the most intense suffering is mental. But as soon as we understand the mind, no matter what difficulty we may encounter, we are always able to face it with a positive, active, healthy, and altruistic attitude. The MWR was set up to help followers of different religions listen to and understand each other, alleviate conflicts, and promote personal and global harmony. Those who are involved with Ling Jiou Mountain have a connection with Buddhism, so they are naturally striving to cultivate inner awareness as well as engage in compassionate activity; this is our ideal. Finding and affirming yourself, you begin to shine, and then you set yourself and others on the road which leads away from perplexity and towards our true home. The cultivation of compassion is the value of life. This is love. When we are loving, everything is beautiful; without love, we are blind to beauty. Love is compassion. So how do we make love a reality in our lives? When we use love to moisten all things, then all things moisten us, increasing our energy and happiness. So many people today have lost their way and don't understand the meaning or value of life. Knowing that the heart is the source of true happiness is a great fortune and brings profound peace. This is the bountiful and true mind of meditation and compassion. During the past year we have carried out quite a few compassionate activities, but I hope that everybody will begin to put more emphasis on meditation. Through meditation we discover our genuine heart. Meditation is the true heart. Deep meditative experience rejuvenates our energy and purifies our motivation for engaging in compassionate work. We all belong to the same human community, and I hope that everybody becomes increasingly healthy and vigorous so that we are capable of making an even greater contribution to the alleviation of suffering in the world. (Excerpt from Master Hsin Tao's year- end talk titled The Life of Meditation and Compassion)