
18 創辦人的話 AWord From the Founder 近 年來,透過新聞畫面,我們看到許多 令人不忍的景象:南亞海嘯、美國紐 奧良的卡崔娜颶風、台灣的八八水災,造成許 多生命財產的損失。 遺忘是歷史重複發生的關鍵,而貪婪則是 走入災難的起點。每次災害的產生,人總會將 地球暖化、環保的問題重述一次,然而當要替 環保盡一份心力時,人心的貪婪卻又戰勝了環 保的良心,於是長久貪婪的累積,造成一次比 一次劇烈的災難。要終止天災傷害的歷史輪 迴,不僅要有外在環保的政策,也必須中止人 心內在的貪婪,唯有人心與自然的和諧,生命 才能在地球上不斷傳承。 佛經說:「諸法所生,唯心所現。一切因 果,世界微塵,因心成體。」現今世間各種禍 害以及大自然災難都不是無緣無故發生,所有 這些災難的根源是人心的貪、嗔、癡、慢、疑 五毒,唯有去除五毒所引發的惡業,才能真正 獲得內在心境與外在自然的和諧,也獲得一個 適合人類生存的地球。 要真正解決生存問題,就要先深入理解眾 生的苦難,從理解到實際消融自我內心與外在 世界的苦難,使眾生得以平安、和諧的生存在 愛與和平地球家中。 當我們能夠傾聽內心的寧靜,並了解寧靜 背後的真諦,這樣,我們將會有足夠的智慧與 愛,來關懷、保護我們生存的地球。 創辦人 的話 Starting From a Tranquil Heart, Caring for the Earth 以內心寧靜為起點,關愛地球 T he South Asian Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina in the United States, and the massive typhoon that hit Taiwan this August; these are but some of the natural disasters which have wreaked havoc around the world in recent years. History repeats itself due to forgetfulness, and greed is the root of calamity. Every time another disaster occurs people invariably raise the issues of global warming and environmental degradation. Despite our best intentions to protect the environment, however, it often happens that human greed comes out on top. As such, its force accumulates over time and repeatedly gives rise to new disasters. Ending this cycle of natural disasters requires not only sound environmental policies, but also the control of our own greed. Only when there is harmony between man and nature will it be possible for life on Earth to remain a viable proposition. It's said in the Buddhist scriptures that all things are born of the mind. All of the calamities and natural disasters we see in the world today are not without cause or reason; they arise out of the greed, hatred, delusion, arrogance, and doubt which lie in the human heart. Only by extirpating these five poisons from our own hearts will it be possible for there to be harmony between humanity and the natural world. In order to insure our continued existence as a species we have to start with a deep understanding of human suffering. Such an understanding makes it possible to eliminate both inner and outer tribulation, and forms the foundation for the creation of a peaceful and harmonious global family of peace and love. By understanding this and attentively listening to the peace within ourselves, we will have the wisdom and love necessary to cherish and protect our precious home—the Earth.