
2 008年,在教團與宗博所有職工和志工的 努力下,我們將「萬人禪修」擴展為 「全民寧靜運動」;在今年的國際宗教大會 (CPWR)中更將發起「全球寧靜運動」, 把寧靜的精神推廣至全球;甚至應新加坡之 邀,將前往新加坡啟建水陸法會;在與聯合 副刊攜手下,宗教文學獎已舉辦了七屆,成 功地藉由文學將宗教的精神與理念傳播至更 多人心中;至於心靈白皮書,也藉由一年一 度的問卷調查,呈現出全民的心靈狀態,不 僅提供人們自我省思,更提供宗教界與全體 社會作為助人的參考方向;在慈善方面,我 們以務實、有效率的方式進行緬甸、四川賑 災與災後重建,緬甸部分甚至獲得國際紅十 字會之肯定與委託,將實質的援助送達災民 手中。 廿五年來,我們一路走來,蓽路藍縷, 眾多十方善信以小額捐獻,累積出山上的一 磚一瓦、一草一木,累積出我們的道場、宗 博及弘法利生志業,我們要心存感恩,也要 感謝大眾的支持與努力! 榮譽館長漢寶德先生現在擔任靈鷲山宗 教文化教育園區規劃總監,宗博的志業則委 由江館長帶領,江館長曾經與我們共同將宗 博館從無到有籌劃出來,是我們最好的工作 夥伴,期許在他的協助下,能夠實現我們未 及完成的想法。雖然宗博已在國際間搭起一 座宗教對話的橋樑,但希望它未來能在全 國、全世界都動起來。 創辦人的話 18 創辦人 的話 The Museum of World Religions Moves into the Spotlight! AWord From the Founder 讓宗博「動起來」! W ith the diligent efforts of all the staff and volunteers of the Ling Jiou Mountain Buddhist Society and the Museum of World Religions, in 2008 we were able to expand the scope of“Mass Meditation” into the“All-Taiwan Peace Movement.” This year we plan to initiate the“Global Peace Movement,”in CPWR and we've even been invited to conduct the Shuilu Ceremony in Singapore. In conjunction with United Daily News literary supplement, we've been offering the Religious Literature Scholarship for seven years now in order to bring the religious spirit and outlook to greater numbers of people. In 2008 we issued another edition our annual“Spiritual White Paper.”Based on the results of a questionnaire focusing on current attitudes towards religion and spirituality, this publication encourages self-reflection and serves as a valuable reference material for scholars and society at large. In the area of philanthropic endeavors, last year we carried out practical and efficient post-disaster relief and reconstruction in both Burma and Sichuan, China. In Burma, we worked closely together with the International Red Cross to deliver provisions to disaster victims. For 25 years now we've been walking this difficult path. Yet, with the small but steady accumulation of donations offered by our many supporters around the world, we've been able to establish the monastery and the museum piece by piece, and continue to propagate the Dharma for the benefit of all sentient beings. We are truly grateful for all your support and effort! We are proud to announce that Mr. Han Pao-The (漢寶德), the Curator Emeritus of the Museum of World Religions, has been appointed as the Director-general of the Ling Jiou Mountain Academy of Religion and Culture. The Museum's new Curator, Mr. Jiang (江), has been working with us right from the museum's inception, and we are confident that under his able leadership we will be able to realize all our goals. While the Museum has already established itself as a bridge for interreligious dialogue, we hope that in the future it will play an increasing prominent role in Taiwan and around the world.