
T he Museum of World Religions (MWR)has now been open for seven years. In the course of a lifetime seven years doesn't count for much, but dur ing thi s t ime the Museum has flourished in so many ways. Planning and preparation for the Museum took ten years. One evening at Ling Jiou Mountain Monastery in 1991 Master Hsin Tao and I had a long talk about how to promote religious teachings. Our discussion covered such topics as obtaining and displaying museum pieces, a museum's educational functions, and how a museum can contribute to human wellbeing. We thus initiated a plan to create a museum based on the humble ideals of love and peace and which would present the authentic teachings of the world's major religions. At the same time, we made a commitment to bringing the idea to fruition. The basis of any good museum is the collection and display of a wide variety of relevant items. The MWR's collection includes many items rarely seen in Taiwan, such as a statue Horus, symbol of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs; pieces representing the various periods of the major Eastern and Western religions, as well as Taiwanese folk religion; and models of religious architecture. The MWR's unique facilities include interactive displays, a multi-use theater and high-tech digital imagery. In addition to collection, display, education and public outreach, the MWR is also striving to strengthen its long-term interaction with the community, share resources with educational institutions and promote a supportive cultural environment. Taking education as its central mission, with the help of a large number of teachers and parents the MWR has set up a children's section called the Wonderland of Love. During its first seven years the MWR has had around 300,000 visitors, showing that there are still a lot of people who have yet to visit the Museum. Thus our plans for the future include an increased number of special exhibitions and events, and give even greater impetus to education, environmental protection, physical health, spiritual practice, and LOHAS(lifestyles of health and sustainability). 啟動百千法門的博物館密碼 The Secret to Opening the Museum's 100,000 Dharma Doors AWord From the ECO 4 執行長的話 館長 的話 世 界宗教博物館開館已滿七年;七年對 人的生命歷程只是啟蒙的開始,但對 博物館成長而言,代表富有活力、拓展魅力 的時候。 世界宗教博物館的蘊釀、籌備長達十 年。1991年在靈鷲山上和心道師父竟夜長談 入世的宗教志業,從文物收藏談到社會教育 功能的博物館,從展示談到人間關懷,一座 正信宗教、跨越信仰藩籬、謙卑奉獻「愛」 與「和平」的博物館已然成形,這是一份對 世界宗教的莊嚴承諾。 一座好的博物館,奠基於豐富遺產、多 樣民族文化的經典標本收藏和展示,宗博館 藏有古埃及法老王象徵的赫魯斯神像、中世 紀、當代東西方各大宗教、台灣民間信仰等 等文物以及世界宗教建築模型,均為國內僅 見;在展示手法上更以親身體驗、多元劇 場、高科技數位媒體影像的方式呈現,獨步 全台。 除了蒐藏、展示、教育、推廣之外,更 需長期經營社區、結合學校教育資源、聯繫 維護文化環境;本館責無旁貸推動生命教 育,並專設兒童館──「愛的森林」,獲得 許許多多的學校老師、家長幫贊,我們滿心 感激。 七年來,入館參觀的觀眾總計約31萬 人,可見還有更多倍數的朋友失之交臂;希 望明日的宗博館策劃更多層次的特展,結合 本館宗教展演,啟動生命教育、環保、生態 保護、養生、靈修、樂活的生活密碼。