
全 球化串起人類的生活脈動,不管喜不 喜歡、接不接受,它已是一個不可改 變的事實與潮流。當我們受用全球化的利益 的同時,也要防止它所帶來的危機。要避免 全球化的傷害,就要從本質開始。文化就是 本質,也是一個靈覺之性的本質,而靈性的 神聖性,則是本質最核心的部分。想要適應 外在虛妄世界、品嘗肯定存在的價值,首先 就是要恢復本有本具靈性的神聖性。 神聖性的實踐方法即戒、定、慧三學。 戒就是生命、生活的軌則,遵循戒所教導的 軌則,帶領我們往神聖的本質前進,不迷失 於外在現象;定就是調理,調順、整理我們 生命偏差的軌則,讓人安住在純潔神聖之 中;慧就是沒有障礙,讓人在神聖與世俗之 間安然自在。 佛法與全球化,是心與物的交流、對 話,人是當中的載體。當我們懂得開放的遵 循古法時,就能夠品嘗存在的價值,在全球 化的時代底下優遊自在。而這一切的基礎, 就是在覺、喚醒靈性道德、找尋神聖的生命 價值、保存固有文化的智慧與生活趣味。 創辦人的話 18 創辦人 的話 Buddhism and Globalization : A Buddhist Perspective AWord From the Founder 佛法與全球化 ─一個佛教徒的全球化態度 G lobalization is linking up the pulse of life of the entire human race. Like i t or ha t e i t, accep t i t or r e j ec t i t; globalization is already an irreversible trend. To be sure, globalization does bring certain benefits, but we need to be aware of the dangers which come along with it. In order to adapt to and transform the problems brought by globalization, we must start by dealing with the question of innate character. Culture can be seen as the basis of a person's innate character. It is the sacredness of the human spirit, however, which is at the very core of our own essential nature. Adapting to the fantasies of the external world while remaining firmly grounded in authentic values begins with recovering the sacredness of our essential spiritual nature. The path leading to the realization of t h e s a c r e d c o n s i s t s o f mo r a l i t y , concentration, and wisdom. Moral precepts are regulations which help us effectively deal with the basic questions of life; they help us avoid being misled by extrinsic phenomena and lead us towards our sacred innate nature. Meditation is the practice of regulating and disciplining the mind; it helps us to settle into a space of sacredness and purity. Wisdom is the removal of obstacles; with wisdom we are peaceful and contented in any situation whatsoever. The relationship between Buddhism and globalization is like the relationship between the mind and the material world, with humanity as the medium. By clearly understanding and following the teachings of the ancient masters we gain insight into the value of life, as well as a sense of contentedness and ease in this era of globalization. Such an understanding is founded on awareness, an awakening of the spirit, seeking values based on the sacred, and the preservation of the wisdom and joy inherent in all cultures.