
19 寧 靜是大多數宗教的主張,也是基本精神安住、 落實的地方。事實上,「萬有」必須在寧靜當 中慢慢成長起來,我們的信仰、宗教,也都必須從 寧靜出發去尋找真實感受。 現代人可謂人神好清而心擾之,人心好靜而欲 牽之。人心好靜,可惜因為欲望太多而不能靜;人 神好清,卻因為心太擾亂而不得清。欲望與人世間 的各種牽扯,使人們精神疲乏。如何讓人們神清氣 爽?就要從寧靜中去產生能量。寧靜是靈性的養 分,一旦沒有寧靜,靈性就沒有根。宗教一般都是 透過祈禱、禪修、誦經、開悟等方式回到寧靜當 中,並在寧靜中產生真理、智慧;一般人則從生活 的寧靜中找到生活的價值。 這麼多年來,人心惶 惶,也許是因為經濟、政治,也許是資訊的全球化 等因素衝擊了整個社會,使得社會沸騰,唯有讓這 個沸騰的社會寧靜下來,使人們的生活正常化,不 再找不到依靠、目標與寄託,唯有在寧靜中把真實 的生活找回來,喚醒我們與大自然的連繫,才能夠 享受生命。 在資訊時代,人們往往疏忽了「寧靜」這個重 要的伴侶,只要找回自己的「寧靜伴侶」,便能使 社會和諧、地球和諧、人心平安、地球平安、世界 一家。生命的享受是從寧靜來的,希望大家都能時 時保持寧靜,進而喜歡生命、喜悅生活! 創辦人的話 18 創辦人 的話 Peace , it fulfilled the Global Family for Love and Peace. M ost religions are advocates of peace, and it is also peace which the space where the essential spirituality abides. In fact, the “existence of all things” has to grow to maturity in peace, and our beliefs and religion need to start from peace to seek true experience as well. We can describe people in the modern world as aspiring for peace but always disturbed in their heart. People always want quiet but are always pulled by desire. People are seeking for quiet, however, there are always too many desires in heart to acquire the quiet. People are aspiring for the peace of mind, however, hearts are always disturbed so that they can not gain the peace. Desires are involved in all kinds of vexations in people’s lives and make people exhausted. How to let people feel refreshed and relaxed? From peace they can gather energy. Peace is the nutrient for spirituality, and once there is no peace, there is no root of spirituality. Religions seek peace by means of prayer, meditation, reciting sutras and awakening, and realize the truth and wisdom in peace. People find the value of life form the peace of daily livings. Through realizing peace people can realize know the true value of life. For so many years, people have been anxious. Perhaps it is because of the economy, politics or maybe the globalization of information that impacts our society. Our society is boiling over with noise, and only when we cool down this boiling over, that people can go back to a normal life. They no longer have to keep looking for something to rely on and trust. It is only when we go back to the true peaceful life, and awaken the connection between the nature and us that we can enjoy our life. In the information age people always forget peace, this most important companion. Only when we rediscover our own “peace companion” can we make our society harmonious, the Earth harmonious, our lives safe and well, the Earth safe and well and a global family for love and peace. The enjoyment of life comes from peace. I hope everyone can stay in peace at every moment, and love your life and be filled with happiness. AWord From the Founder 寧靜, 成就愛與和平地球家