
現 代世界,生命之間充滿了各種對立,從個 體生命,到人與人、國與國,以至於天地 萬物之間,都充斥著對立性,導致了現代社會 的倫理失調。 傳統仁、義、禮、智、信幾乎蕩然無存, 父子、兄弟、夫婦、朋友和國家與人民之間的 五倫關係也是名存實亡。在這個「一切都可 能」的後現代世界裡,和諧而沒有對立的倫理 關係似乎變得不太可能。 佛法裡頭有完備的修行方式,引導我們達 到和諧平安的倫理關係,使得內心有真正的平 安,並且為全體生命帶來具體而真實的和平。 例如,佛法倡導五戒:不殺生、不偷盜、不邪 淫、不妄語、不飲酒等,除了符合「己所不 欲,勿施於人」的倫理道德黃金律,更是從整 體生命的存在網絡來看 待道德善惡、倫理好壞 的問題。 我從自身的禪定體悟到設立道場、閉關中 心、世界宗教博物館、孤兒院及世界種種急難 救災行動,甚至出席種種宗教對話交流等,無 非是基於佛法「無緣大慈、同體大悲」的精 神,以此服務和奉獻一切生命。 佛法的禪修訓練,從根本上讓我們身心自 在、和諧,也圓融生命與生命之間的關係,並 且以悲智雙運的精神幫助一切眾生達到「心」 的和平。當「心」和平,生命之間的對立就消 失,人與人間的倫理關係便和諧無礙,世界也 將能達至真正和平共榮的理想境界。 創辦人的話 18 創辦人 的話 倫理與和平經驗 A Lesson of Ethics and Peace Nowadays our world is already rife with a variety of polarizations, and they not only exists within an individual's life but can also be found between people and people, countries and countries, and even all things in the universe. The polarizations have resulted in ethical disorder in our modern society. Traditional articles of faith in classical Confucian ideal which include benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom, and honor are all gone. The Five Cardinal Human Relations of moral principles as that between the ruler and the ruled, that between parents and children, between siblings, between husband and wife, and between friends have died out as well. In this post-modern world in which “everything is possible,” it has made the harmoniously ethical relations without antagonism seem to be not possible. In Buddha Dharma there is a complete method to practice moral teachings. It leads us on the way to the harmonious and peaceful ethical relations. As a result, it contributes to initial peace at heart; and further, it brings concrete and true peace to whole life. For instance, Five Precepts for laypeople in Buddha Dharma are no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no lying, and no intoxicants, and these precepts correspond to the golden commandment in ethics of “do not do to others what you don't want to be done to you.” What is more, Buddha Dharma has a holistic view encompassing all life when looking at the matter of good and evil in ethics. I practice and appreciate concentration in meditation myself, and with that I established monasteries, meditation and retreat centers, the Museum of World Religions, and orphanages. Moreover, I am involved in several actions to provide relief to the victims of disasters, and I attended a variety of meetings for inter-religious dialogue. All I have done that mentioned above were on the basis of the spirit in Buddha Dharma as “having great compassion for those without causal connection, and empathizing with all sentient beings with great pity.” For this reason, I give service and devoted myself to every life. It is the training of meditation in Buddha Dharma that enables us to be in a state of free and balanced body and mind, in the meanwhile, it makes the connection between two individuals come to perfection. The practicing of compassion and wisdom which is the essence of meditation provides all sentient beings a way to acquire “peace in mind.” Only when the peace in mind is accomplished, the polarization between all beings could be eliminated, and the ethical relations between people and people could go back to the right track . After that, we could expect a dream world in true peace and prosperity. AWord From the Founder