
As another year has passed, the Museum of World Religions has been in steady development. In the past six years, we have held the ideals of Master Hsin Tao and little by little laid the foundation of the Museum of World Religions. We have opened up a road for socially oriented Buddhism and taken the mission of life education to fulfill our obligation of social service. In the mean time, we regard it as neecessary to make the inter-religious belief of the Museum of World Religions comprehended and accepted by the public. We have been making good use of the exhibition technology in order to attract people to visit this museum. It is a difficult task for us to take since we have such a great ideals but it is not easy to gain many companions who cherish the same ideals. That is why we are moving onward so slowly and more efforts and time are needed for the accomplishment of our missions. However, there is at least one comforting news to us that we have won great esteem and trust from the cultural circles as a result of our striving in the past six years. As a private museum in Taiwan, we are used to being at a discount. There were so many well-known private museums of great eminence for a short while but falling away subsequently. Besides, some of private museums in the cause of selfishness or image finally met their end by losing obeisance from the society and existing in the name only. At the same time, all staffs in the Museum of World Religions have contributed themselves with their sweat and toil for six years to make the public and cultural and educational circles have confidence that the Museum of World Religions is determined to give service to our society without any selfish motives and in great ideals as well. If Taiwan didn't have the Museum of World Religions, it would be a pity for the people. We could be very proud to say, the Museum of World Religions is the most hard working and earnest with the best exhibition technology to be a good model to others. While visitors of other museums are generally getting fewer, we have more and more visitors by degrees. It is just a wonderfully encouraging that all staffs in the Museum of World Religions have made it work well. I am hoping that the Museum of World Religions could be well supported and follow this road of continual hard work and improvement. I am convinced that one day we can yield positive results and make our community benefit greatly by the fragrant and sweet fruits of life. 又 是一年過去了,宗博在穩定的 發展中。過去的六年間,我們 秉持著創辦人心道法師的理念,逐漸 為世界宗教博物館奠下基礎,並開拓 出入世的途徑,以生命教育為使命盡 社會服務的責任。同時我們必須使宗博的跨宗 教的理念為觀眾所接受、所理解,使用展示的 技術,維繫他們來館參觀的興趣。對於一個懷 抱崇高理念的博物館來說,曲高和寡,這個工 作是艱苦的,因此也是進展緩慢的,需要更大 的努力,更長的時間來完成這樣的任務。 我們可以感到欣慰的,是宗博在過去六年 間的努力已贏得文化界的尊敬與信任。在台 灣,一個私立博物館是不容易受到重視的。很 多私立博物館 顯赫一時,卻消失於無蹤;有些 則為了自私或形象的目的,得不到社會的敬重 而名存實亡,或空有博物館之名。經過六年的 耕耘,宗博同仁們的血汗,使社會大眾與文教 界相信我們是一個志在服務社會,毫無私心, 而且有遠大目標的博物館。台灣社會少了我們 會感到遺憾。我們可以驕傲的說,世界宗教博 物館是全台灣在態度上最認真,展示手法最先 進,足為其他博物館楷模的博物館。在其他各 館觀眾普遍衰退的情形下,我們卻可以緩慢成 長,說明同仁們的努力是有成效的。 希望宗博得到充分的支持,順著這個方向 持續努力下去,使生命花果之馨香廣布社會! 廣布生命花果馨香 Spreading the Fragrant and Sweet Fruits of Life AWord From the Director 4 館長的話 館長 的話