
3 Editor's note: 20 years ago, Dharma Master Hsin Tao founded MWR with the philosophy of respect all faiths, tolerance for all cultures, love for all life, and continue to promote the action of “Love Earth, Love Peace”with life education and caring for ecological ethics. The Winter School of the University of Life and Peace, established in Myanmar, is a cross-disciplinary graduate program. It is based on MWR's life education and has been extended and developed into a new prototype of higher education centered on spiritual ecological ethics. This is Dharma Master Hsin Tao's speech at the third commencement of the online winter school. The topic this time is quite meaningful: “Decision Making: How do we come to decisions, how do we enact them in view of the urge for ecological implementation?” First, we need to acknowledge what are the ecological problems we are facing? The biggest potential ecological crisis is if human beings launch a nuclear war, it will destroy most of the living space on the earth, and we will not be able to rely on it. It would cause of the extinction of many ancient civilizations. Our religious circles should shoulder this responsibility. The most important thing is to stop all wars together, especially nuclear bombs, even if only test explosions. In the fifth Paris Agreement, 45 countries have proposed to limit global warming to 1.5°C.; it is still not enough to achieve the goal. What's more, once a nuclear war breaks out, all efforts of these agreements will be in vain. Second, earth is our family. All living things on Earth is a diversity, interdependence unity. The value of ecology is mainly in the relationship between spirituality and ecology. In my opinion, spirituality and ecology is one. Everything has spirituality, each has memory, each has its own function and mission, each must be able to harmoniously rely on each other, co-existence and common prosperity. Today we are going to explore decisions and strategies making, plus to solve problems, we must look at it spiritually. Spirituality is an equal relationship with each other, we must respect, tolerate each other, and love all existence life. Thank you and blessings to all. Dharma Master Hsin Tao, founder of the Museum of World Religions Join hands to ward off calamities and turn around crisis, for a sustainable ecosystem 主教教宗積極地召集我們一起開 會,也就是希望藉由宗教道德的力 量,看能不能挽回生態的永續。 其次,我們要共識到,地球是 我們的家庭。我們的成員就是地球 上所有動物、植物、以及一切萬 有,彼此是相依相存、多元共生的 生命共同體,必須互濟才能永續共 存。生態的價值主要是在靈性跟生 態之間的關係。我認為,靈性就是 生態,生態就是靈性,是一不是 二。萬物各有靈性、各有記憶體、 各有其存在的功能與使命,彼此要 能和諧相依、共存共榮,我們才會 有良好的生存條件與空間。 今天我們要探討如何做決策、 定策略,真正解決問題要從靈性上 去看。靈性之間,彼此是平等關 係,所以我們要互相尊重、彼此包 容,博愛每個生命的存在。大家在 同一個靈性上,是互存關係,而不 是毀滅關係。以這樣的根本理念與 覺知的力量,串流到各行、各業、 各領域,才能引導我們思考到全面 而和諧的生態系統。 各位學員都是教授們推薦的優 秀青年,各有專長,各有抱負。面 對越來越惡化的環境,不論您在哪 一個領域,解決生態問題,都是共 同的課題與使命。透過生命和平大 學的學習,藉由跨領域的智慧激 盪,我們期待將生態的議題串連到 各科系與研究,讓大家能多功能地 使用所學,提出具體的永續方案, 為萬物生靈創造和平有愛的地球 家。 祈願地球平安!祈願我們人類 家庭攜手同心,消弭災異,扭轉危 機。 謝謝大家的參與! 心之道