
3 Everything is the result of cause and effect. Nothing happens out of nowhere. Where is the source of your “peace”? In fact, “peace” comes from the heart. If you’ve never experienced inner peace, there would be no peace in what you do. It’s not about wars or not. It’s about meditation to return to the root of peace. Only when there’s peace in your heart can there be peace in the world. The Earth is an ecosystem, and following the path of mutual respect in coexistence is the only way to a sustainable ecosystem on Earth. Human beings are an integral part of nature. Every living thing on Earth are all connected, not only biologically, but also spiritually. Spirituality is what connects all lives, and a higher quality of spiritual life is the necessary path to spiritual awakening. We’re hoping everyone taking part in this can feel the flourishing of eco-spirituality, and join our efforts to heal and nourish our ecosystem, so our planet can rejuvenate eventually. By Dharma Master Hsin Tao, founder of the Museum of World Religions Inner Peace Brings a Flourishing Earth 《傳道書》所言:「凡事都有定期,天下萬物都有 定時:生有時,死有時。」 本館持續推動的生命教育特展,延續去年的主題 《愛》,今年則呈現生命的最後階段,將探討如何 經驗這個人生階段,並讓個人的靈性品質持續提升。 另外,剛設立的「華嚴世界─靈性生態館」,即 將推出愛與和平生態活動,以推動愛地球愛和平理 念,呈現在地球這個有限空間,我們有限生命時間 之中,要如何與世界和諧共生。換言之,我們的生 命寄存於整個生態系統之中,當我們以靈性觀點看 待世界,就會理解整個環境生態,不論是人類的生 態、物質的生態,彼此是環環相扣的,當我們破壞 了這個環扣,那個生態就亂了,接著就逐漸毀滅。 透過這個特展,我們期盼更多人因為理解,而能尊 重並包容差異,關愛分享並給予所需,產生護育生 態環境的共識與行動,進而促進靈性覺醒,敬天禮 地。 人的生命與地球生態本是同根同源,互為循環系 統而生生不息,萬物皆有靈性,靈性一體相通。期 盼前來參與的朋友們,能感受到靈性生態的繽紛茂 盛,跟我們一起攜手推動養護療癒地球生態的行動, 讓地球生機恢復盎然。 心之道