
3 Water resource is the indicator of life; it’s the epitome of the ecosystem, the breast milk of Mother Earth, nurturing all lives on the planet. When exploring the topic of water resources, we’re also facing a severe problem in the ecosystem –the development of technology and the pervasion of consumerism have done serious damages to the environment and expedite the downfall of the ecosystem and mankind. To get out of the self-destructive cycle of civilization, we need spiritual love to nurture the ecosystem, treating our environment with respect and care, for we’re all a part of this coexisting community of life. The global epidemic and the climate changes are all warning signs from the ecosystem, and human's ability to adapt and take on the challenges of the changing world is facing a baptism. There might be a sense of crisis, but without a consensus about our ecosystem, people would just carry on the old ways. People are gradually starting to reflect what goes wrong between us and the natural world. The selfishness in the value of our civilization is the cause of all these problems, and if we don’t stop and make changes, our civilization is bond to collapse. In last year’s conferences of “Faith and Science: Towards COP26” and “Parliament of the World’s Religions”, we had sensed the hopes that religions brought us. We’re hoping that all religions will help ease the ecological crisis with the nurture of spirituality. The teachings of religions are the essence of human's wisdom, which reveals that spirituality is the platform for all things, and only when human beings return to spiritual ways of life can we have a safe planet and a sustainable life on Earth. I identify with and promote the action plans for eco- spirituality and hope there would be more people joining in the efforts to rescue our ecosystem. What the Earth will be like in 30 years, 50 years, or 100 years? What our life will be like then? If we want to live in a healthy environment, it’s time to start actively protecting our home planet. By Dharma Master Hsin Tao, founder of the Museum of World Religions Guarding the World with Spiritual Love 專案,希望有更多人加入一切搶救生態的努力。想一 想 30 年、50 年、百年之後,地球是什麼樣子?人類 生活又是什麼樣子?如果我們希望自己生活在健康 的環境,那麼就要積極維護地球家庭,讓生命生生不 息,這是最有福氣的。 另外,最近宗博館推出的《生死晝夜:於死亡中 前行》特展獲得熱烈的迴響,生來死去是生命大哉 問,值得大家有生之年一探究竟。我想,宗博館的使 命與責任,也就在交流凝聚靈性的力量,分享宗教的 智慧芬芳,以生命教育、靈性生態教育,不斷灌溉滋 補我們的社會,來促進人類平安、地球永續的願景。 讓大家都能從濁世迷失裡,重新「回魂」,找到離苦 得樂的出口,做自己生命的真理使徒。 感恩大家在無常的時空裡,守護真心並持續護持 我們。 註 1:「Water for All 人人飲水」專案計畫國際 研討會,從 5/30 至 6/02 於荷蘭海牙和平 宮舉辦,心道法師錄製的視訊祝福則於 6 月 1 日的大會直播活動中放映。 註 2:會議全稱為:「邁向 COP26:信仰與科 學」會議 (Faith and Science: Towards COP26)、世界宗教議會 (Parliament of the World's Religions) 心之道