
靈性生態生命和平倡議 Spiritual Eco-Peace Initiative 放空運動 目標 1 蔬食減碳 目標 2 停止戰爭 目標 3 更多環境保護行動 唯有回歸靈性,實踐「尊重、包容、博愛」,而不是掠奪與爭鬥, 人類跟大自然才能和平永續。 ─世界宗教博物館創辦人心道法師 I. Vegetarianism for carbon reduction. II. Stop wars and weapon production. III. More actions for protecting the environment. The relationship between human beings and nature will only be sustainable and peaceful when we return to spirituality and practice respect, tolerance and love, rather than plundering and fighting. - Dharma Master Hsin Tao, Founder of the Museum of World Religions 現在就簽署!加入倡議一起讓世 界更好,邀請您一起付諸行動! Sign now! Join the initiative and make a better world together! 成功將愛和平,愛地球 傳遞至台南 一共募集 1806 餐蔬食! 我們的目標 Our Mission 餐蔬食 已募集 1806