


As a part of disaster relief for the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, “Buddha Illustration by Manga Artists” has already completed 15 legs of its tour in Japan and Poland. Invited to present its collections at the Museum of World Religions in Taiwan, the exhibition includes animations that have not been displayed in Japan along with an additional five pieces of art making their first ever debut. The Buddha and Bodhisattva depicted in these artworks appear to have their own unique personality traits and appearances. Specifically, viewers can admire the narrative skills highlighted by Japanese comics as well as the creativity of cartoonists and illustrators. This exhibition encourages public participation and interaction with the artworks, during which viewers are able to rediscover and experience their heart’s desires.


參展人計有:阪本牙城、水木茂、小島功、手塚治虫、赤塚不二夫、花村榮子、一峰大二、牧也美子、山根青鬼、西村宗、林家木久扇、牧野圭一、Monkey Punch、矢野德、千葉徹彌、BIG錠、森田拳次、汲田隆、吉元男爵、矢野功、川崎伸、喬治秋山、池上遼一、宇野.蟷螂、植田正史、本宮宏志、櫻多吾作、里中滿智子、志賀公江、二階堂正宏、五十嵐優美子、土山滋、天野誠、佐伯佳代乃、辻下浩二、藤井龍二、山田五郎、六田登、石川三郎、新田龍雄、香取正樹、板橋秀豐、上山栃、倉田芳美、中山星香、臂美惠、三浦滿、渡邊道夫、西田淑子、南久美子、寺澤武一、江口壽史、荻野真、中野耕一、浦澤直樹、御茶漬海苔、木村直巳、大石容子、永野典子、宮島幸次、菅直子、柳生柳、瀬口忍、蝶蝶等64位。