
4 mwr10thAnniversary 創辦人的話 AWord From the Founder 宗 博成立到今天像是臺灣的「生命幸福學 堂」,多年來一直與各級學校合作,共 同推動生命教育,現在我們把這份「尊重包容 博愛」的理念覺醒延伸為「全球寧靜運動」, 推動「一分禪」,隨時寧靜一分鐘,轉換自 己,從禪修開始,到生態環保綠化等,那麼, 我們希望有效果,能夠帶動社會共鳴共振,產 生和諧的生命、生活、生態。 現在國與國之間總是疑心,人與人之間也 是慢心對立,我們因為貪欲而侵略,不斷引發 戰爭,這裡平息了,那裡又挑起,不僅地球躁 動不安,也造成全球資源的缺乏;另外因為人 類的嗔恨,讓地球遭受「地獄業」之苦,短暫 生、短暫死、「暫死暫生」的眾生,不斷此死 彼生,仇恨殺戮的循環愈是快速;痴,是貪嗔 的因,因為痴,不知道選擇善、行善,引發連 鎖的怨氣,所以我們應該要趕緊寧靜自己,找 回自己,寧靜生態、寧靜我們一切的貪嗔痴, 如果我們能擇善而為,地球就不會躁動不安。 宗博成立十週年最重要的意義,就是創造 和平的基因,讓各宗教彼此尊重信仰,讓族群 能夠和諧、包容、寬恕,轉換仇恨的循環,基 於這個原則下,我們繼續延伸「全球寧靜運 動」,做寧靜和平的事,讓苦難地球能有更穩 定安定生活生態。我期許未來,從臺灣的經 驗,延伸到全世界,培養國際青年人才,從小 去落實和平教育的紮根,讓我們的生活時時呈 現尊重包容,努力創造一個幸福的地球家庭。 創辦人 的話 World Peace and the Institute of Well-being 全球寧靜的「生命幸福學堂」 Ev er since its inception, the MWR has been collaborating with schools at all levels to promote transformative education, and thus can be seen as a sort of “institute of well-being.” At present, we are striving to expand our ideals of respect, tolerance, and universal love into a “global inner peace movement.” We are also promoting “one- minute meditation,” a transformative minute of peace at any time throughout the day. We start with inner peace, and then extend it into the world through compassionate action, which, in turn, has a positive effect on others and exerts a wholesome influence throughout society. Today's world is characterized by mutual suspicion and conflict, from the interpersonal level all the way to international relations. Greed leads to aggression and sets off an endless string of armed conflict; as soon as one war ends, another one begins, wreaking havoc and wasting vast amounts of precious resources. Then there is hatred, the root of all manner of violence and hell-bent activity aimed at harming others. Ignorance is the cause of greed and hatred, for it is due to ignorance that one engages in unwholesome and harmful actions. Thus the need of the hour is the cultivation of inner peace and self- awareness, for these serve to counteract our habitual tendencies of greed, hatred, and ignorance. Indeed, the more we act in a wholesome and skilful manner, the closer we are to a world free of conflict and anxiety. Over the past ten years the MWR has been tirelessly sowing the seeds of peace, facilitating mutual respect and understanding between the followers of different religions, and promoting harmony and tolerance throughout society. This principle is the basis for ending the vicious cycle of hatred. The “global inner peace movement” is a way of bringing genuine peace and well-being to this troubled world of ours. My hope is that our experience here in Taiwan will be applied throughout the world to the training of young people who will dedicate themselves to peace education, manifest the ideals of respect and tolerance, and contribute to the establishment of a world family of happiness.