
5 mwr10thAnniversary 創 建二十一世紀人類心靈的博物館,也是全 球獨一無二以展示不同宗教、推廣生命教 育、消弭宗教間的歧義隔閡為主題的博物館 ―世界宗教博物館於 2001 年 11 月 9 日正式開館 營運;十年來,秉持創辦人心道師父「尊重、 包容、博愛」創館宗旨、愛與和平的理念,以 發揮博物館典藏、研究、展示、詮釋、教育、 推廣、溝通、提供資訊的專業功能,全體館員 全心投入經營這一座跨越單一宗教的限制,推 動交流與社會教育、打開心靈對話的平台,而 兢業拓展館務,終能獲得在地、教團與國際許 多宗教文化藝術界人士的推崇與支持,在十週 年館慶之際,謹藉本文表示我們感恩之心、喜 悅之情,願宗博館永壽長青。 為迎接十週年館慶暨舉辦世界宗教和諧 日,本館重新規劃調整擴大展示、推廣、服務 空間,並在世界宗教展示大廳新增常設展示主 題;同時舉辦本館過去籌備、開館以來以及未 來願景 30 年的「館史展」、來自十方祝賀的 「祝福展」、深度認識佛教文化的「覺有情」 特展,以及盛大舉辦兩岸首度交流攜手合作的 北京首都博物館「智慧華嚴―北京首都博物 館 佛 教 文 物 珍 藏 展 」 等 特 展 。 在 三 天 ( 2011/11/9~11 )的館慶系列活動,更舉辦以 「如何創建一座世界宗教博物館」為題的國際 研討會議、館慶迎賓宴以及「心和平之夜」, 歡迎各界蒞臨指導。 面對宗博館未來十年,我們承諾一本初 衷,永遠推動愛與和平的理念,藉由本館的展 示、教育、資訊,持續在社區化、在地化與國 際化三大發展主軸下,將心道師父的雲端觀點 和期望,逐步的加強落實,以開創下一個宗博 里程碑。 Celebrating the MWR's 10th Anniversary 館長 的話 世界宗教博物館開館十週年慶成 Th e MWR was established as a museum of the human spirit. It's the only museum on the planet which presents the various religious of the world, promotes integral education, and fosters interreligious understanding. Since opening on November 9, 2001, the MWR has been putting into practice Master Hsin Tao's guiding principles of respect, tolerance, and universal love. At the same time, the MWR has been applying the ideals of love and peace to all its functions, including collecting, exhibition, interpretation, research, education, and communication. Moreover, the entire staff has been wholeheartedly engaged in running this multi-faith institution, while also promoting education, exchange, and dialogue. Such conscientious and attentive efforts have garnered praise and support from a large number of figures in religion, culture, and the arts, both locally and abroad. We'd like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude and joy, and wish the MWR a long and prosperous future. In preparation for the 10th anniversary celebrations and World Religious Harmony Day, the MWR is expanding and rearranging its exhibition, education, and service areas. Also, we are augmenting the permanent exhibition in the Great Hall of World Religions, as well as holding a number of special exhibitions, including The History of the MWR, covering the Museum's planning, opening, and future; A Bounty of Blessings, on the theme of felicitations; Enlightening Sentient Beings, a deep look at Buddhist culture; and The Wisdom of Huayan—Buddhist Art from Beijing's Capital Museum, a major cross-strait exhibition. A series of activities will be held on November 9, 10, and 11, 2011, including an international seminar with the theme of “how to establish a museum of world religions,” a banquet, and a “peaceful mind night.” We look forward to your participation. Having reached an important milestone, and looking towards the next ten years, the MWR intends to remain true to its original mission of promoting love and peace. At the same time, the MWR is renewing its commitment to putting Master Hsin Tao's lofty vision and aspirations into practice in Taiwan and abroad. AWord From the Curator 館長的話