
4 mwr10thAnniversary 創辦人的話 AWord From the Founder 在 現今全球化發展的趨勢下,只要有一個 地區發生危機或變動,不論是天災或人 禍,人類整體生存都會受到威脅。從去年北非 突尼西亞發生的「茉莉花革命」,到日前中東 地區的反政府示威活動,都是經濟和社會危機 擴散成政治危機的表現。而像之前的海地大地 震、澳洲大洪水、日本地震引發的核災等、都 造成人們生命財產的重大損失。無論是人禍或 天災,這些危機如果再不重視,將會造成人類 整體生存的危機。解決之道,首先要能反省生 命永存的規則是什麼,共識到「和諧共生」就 是生命永續的重要法則。 「和諧共生」立基於人道精神,比人權更 重要。在這個過程中關懷的重點應該是生命, 是在共同的生命價值上合作與努力,而不能迷 失於對彼此利益的分別或競爭上。而要圓滿生 命共存共榮的使命,促進人類相互尊重與包 容,還要靠彼此之間的真誠對話。因為對話讓 我們看見他人的需要,而以他人需要的方式進 行對話,不以自我本位來同一萬物,這是一種 無我的尊重,也是世界宗教博物館的理念之 一。有了無我的尊重,便能接受彼此之間的差 異,包容且不傷害,因而彼此共生。宗教團體 為了化解人類的危機,也需要相互合作,啟發 人心的良善動機,找回信仰,化解人類的信賴 危機,進而拯救人類帶給地球的不平安。 找回信仰,找回信心,因為信心,建立人 我及社群的信任關係,產生共同的信念,透過 對話可以增進彼此理解,化解危機,也才能為 人類和平帶來曙光。 創辦人 的話 Promoting Interreligious Understanding through Dialogue and Interaction 以對話交流來推動全球宗教相互理解 In the era of globalization, a natural or manmade crisis in one part of the world presents a threat to people everywhere. Such events as last year's Jasmine Revolution in Tuni s i a to the recent demons t ra t ions throughout the Mideast can all be seen as unaddressed economic and social discontent growing into a full-blown political crisis. As with the earthquake in Haiti, the flooding in Australia, and the tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan, all such disasters result in a great loss of life and property. Continuing to play down the seriousness of these crises—whether natural or manmade—can only be done at the jeopardy of our own survival. If we are to find a solution, the first step is to deeply reflect on what is needed to insure the long-term viability of the human race, a process which will lead to the realization that harmony and symbiosis are essential to the sustainability of life on this increasingly fragile planet we share with all species. Harmony and symbiosis are based on the spirit of our common humanity and are even more important than human rights. In the process of contemplating our collective predicament it becomes clear that what is of paramount importance is life itself. It's also essential to actively work together based on common values while overcoming narrow self-interests and the tendency towards competition. Our collective survival and prosperity depends on our capacity for mutual tolerance and respect, as well as sincere dialogue. Dialogue helps us to understand the needs of others. If dialogue is to be fruitful, we need to keep in mind the needs of others. We have to strive to overcome the tendency to always see things from one's own limited perspective; this gives rise to a type of respect born of selflessness, and is also one of the ideals of the MWR. With this kind of respect we become more tolerant and accepting of differences; this is the path of non-harming and coexistence. Overcoming the many crises humanity is currently facing also requires sincere interreligious cooperation motivated by wholesome intentions and deep religious faith, all of which will greatly reduce the human threat to the natural environment. Reaffirming our faith builds interpersonal trust and confidence between the individual and society. Dialogue produces mutual understanding, resolves crises, and can eventually bring peace and harmony to humanity.