

「供養」,原詞意為尊崇、禮敬的虔誠奉獻。宗教的「供養」包含了具體的供品器物以及信仰儀式與修行。本展覽詮釋供養藝術的內在精神與美學概念,以人的「心」境、供「器」 文化的品味與信仰的教「法」三者串連,藉由禮敬的情境布置與器物展示,讓心、器、法得 以交流對話。尤其,當信仰融入生活,生活器物運用於宗教儀式,裝載珍貴的供品與虔誠的 心意,化身為神聖且特殊的物件,別具意義。


本特展結合社群信仰文化的生活美學,與在地宗教社群合作,介紹印度教、道教、佛教的供奉形式與器物。「文人清供」展出的文玩: 書畫、茶、花、香道與琴等歷代珍品獲合辦單位的借展提供,難得一見。博物館在這春夏交替時節,歡迎您共同徜徉於宗教供養藝術與文人清供養心的世界裡。


Devote, the original meaning is devotion and respectful offerings. “ Offering” includes specific offerings and practices of belief rituals after which has been introduced into religious culture.

The exhibition focuses on the “Heart” of the people, the “ Artifacts” of the offering, and the “Dogma” of the faith. By means of the ceremonial arrangement representing the gods and the display of objects, it provides the dialogue and exchange within the heart, the instrument, and the rule. It shows and demonstrates the inner spirit and aesthetics of the arts of support. In particular, when faith is integrated into life, living utensils are used in religious rituals, with carrying precious offerings and devout minds and transforming into sacred and special objects of great significance.

The exhibition area is presented in two major themes: the religious offerings to the altar and the Literati Pure Offerings. The culture of “ Pure Offerings “ has been there for a long history. In ancient times, people used elegant things such as fragrance, flowers, fruits and vegetables as their offerings, for respecting the gods when celebrating festivals or at sacrifices. “ Devote “ is a sincere respect . The purity of the supplies and the rituals that conform to the rituals are basic learning, to respect the gods, to be self-sufficient, to create aesthetics, and to shape the sanctity of space. Later, “ Pure Offerings “ also entered daily life. In addition to sacrifices and offerings, they became the decoration and craftsmanship of home decoration, and borrowed the feelings and sentiments to experience the natural and pure artistic conception.

The special exhibition combines the aesthetics of life in the community’s belief culture, and cooperates with three religious communities to introduce the forms and artifacts of the altar: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Daoism. The exhibited artifacts were kindly provided by the co-organizers. The museum welcomes all to wander through the world of Religions’ Offering Arts and Literati Pure Offerings; in this season changing period to nourishing our heart.