





The earliest reliable records of Buddhism in Myanmar are from the Pagan Dynasty, founded by Anuruddha, the father of the Burmese nation, who reigned from 1044-1077. Anuruddha unified the country and declared Theravada Buddhism as the national religion and the great monk Shin Arahan as the national master. The Pali Canon was introduced from Sri Lanka, and many Buddhist temples and statues were erected. Two hundred years, the ancient kings were all Buddhists, and the Pagan Dynasty became a center of Theravada Buddhism, which influenced Buddhist belief, culture and art for the next thousand years.

Although the Pagan Dynasty promoted Theravada Buddhism, other ancient beliefs, such as Hinduism, Mahayana , Vajrayāna , and local folk religions did not disappear. They still existed in the social customs, and their influence can also be seen in the wall paintings, decorations, carvings and statues of the pagodas and buildings. The artistic forms of the Pagan dynasty were influenced by the neighboring Pala Dynasty in India. Buddha images from this period have a cool expression, broad arched eyebrows, half-closed eyes, faint smile, and slightly raised upper lip. The monastic robes are completely attached to the body, and the body is full and smooth without any muscle definition.

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