



Daoist exorcism is mainly practiced at local Daoist altars. Most of the deities invoked have their roots in the legends of local spirits, hence the statues of various tutelary deities, such as heavenly marshals and divine generals. For example, by integrating Daoist and folk legends into popular fiction, the book Record of Sa Zhenren Achieving Immortality – published in the late Ming Dynasty – shapes the devout image of Sa Zhenren and the guardian role of Marshal Wang in Daoist cultures. As for Biography of Emperor Hua Guang, the Wuxian Lingguan Emperor (commonly known as the Journey to the South) – published in the Ming Dynasty – tells the story of the origins of Ma Lingguan. Fused with the legends of local spirits - such as Erlang Shen, Huo Shen, and Wutong Shen - he takes on diverse appearances.

In this section, pictures and printing plates of Sa Zhenren, which are rarely seen in Taiwan, are exhibited along with the statue of the folk god Wang Lingguan. As for the pictures hung at Daoist altars, four heavenly marshals - Marshal Yin, Wang, Ma, and Zhao - form a team of divine guardians. This combination may be adjusted according to different local altar traditions or temple worships. It can be seen that Daoism, local beliefs and folklore are interdependent and integrated.
