首播時間|2021.02.09 (二)
與談人|天主教:林之鼎神父、東正教:李亮神父、猶太教:Leon Fenster拉比、伊斯蘭教:趙錫麟 首席教長、道教:李豐楙教授、印度教:Dr. Vivek Walia、Dr. Sam Aurora、奎師那意識協會HG Krishna Baladeva Prabhu、錫克教:Dr. Ravider Singh、原住民:太魯閣族最年輕祭司 Lowbing Miyu
A Heaven in a Wild Flower: Interreligious Dialogue on Nature Premiere on Feb.9th, 2021
2021 is the third year for Museum of World Religions (MWR) to participate this global event. Special guest speakers from various faith traditions in Taiwan are invited to introduce their own faith, by guiding the World Religions Exhibition Hall in MWR. Moreover, they are going to share the insights and actions on Nature in each tradition. This aim is to gathered the energy and wisdom from each tradition and promote “loving earth, loving peace” on a practical level.
Since the Covid-19 situation is getting more serious recently, the event will not open to public. Instead, the event will be recorded and premiered on Feb. 9th on the YouTube channel of MWR.